Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Roland Geibel 
needed most computation time. The evaluation function used was weighted subjectively. Thereon an over-segmentation 
was tolerated more than an under-segmentation. Depending on the task given and the further processing expected other 
orders are possible. 
In general because of the low horizontal resolution of 1m on ground not all of the details of the buildings (e.g.: dormers, 
small building parts) could be segmented. Just buildings which have many such structures on their roof (e.g. dormers), 
which disturb the course of a plane, cause a specific problem. Fig. 9a shows such a building in an aerial image. The 
segmentation result of the FOM procedure with the parameter adjustment as used in Fig. 2d is depicted in Fig. 9c. The 
segments keep so small that no connected area can be recognised. Varying the parameter dy, as shown in Fig. 9d-f , 
bigger deviations are tolerated in the plane approximation and bigger segments are produced. If however the same 
parameter adjustment as used in Fig. 9f were used for all objects, then small details of buildings get lost for other 
objects (see Fig. 2d). In principle also the quality of the data (noise, filtering by pre-processing) could be taken into 
account during the parameter adjustment. 
For the man made objects considered here it was assumed that the roof areas are plane. Curved areas which appear on 
other man made objects (e.g. industrial complexes, fuel depots) were not respected. Since the investigation was done 
with the data of only one flight, for a validation of the results data sets of other flights at different seasons and with 
different sensors are to be examined. In order to judge the problems in the reconstruction of whole buildings caused by 
faulty segmentations it is attempted to also evaluate the resulting vector descriptions comparing to a ground truth in a 
test bed. Further work will also deal with the segmentation of unmasked height data. 
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334 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 
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