Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Shoichi Horiguchi 
roof faces in a robust manner and the reconstruct the topological relationships between the faces. We presented an 
approach for the reconstruction of prismatic building models with flat roofs using surface analysis and Hough 
transformation (Horiguchi, S. et al, 1999). However, urban models should not include only buildings but also roads, 
blocks, sidewalks and roadside trees and so on. The first two roads and blocks, very important for producing useful 
urban simulations. 
1.3 Our Approach 
This paper describes a new approach to reconstruct road, (starr) 
intersection and block models: we use the road network on the 
digital 2D map. In the road network, a node means intersection, a 
link means a road. A block is extracted as an area enclosed by roads 
and intersections. When reconstructing road, intersection, and block 
models there are three problems. The first is the separation of road 
and block areas. The second is the determination of road and block 
model parameters. The third is reconstruction of optimal model, that 
is, both model size and the error must be minimized. These three 
problems are settled by the process flow shown in Figure 1. 
First, we separate road and block areas by matching the edge points 
of buildings extracted from DEM on the digital 2D map. 
Second, we extract the surface model primitives of roads, | 
Matching DEM with Map 
Extraction Surface model 
Reconstructing Surface model | 
intersections and block. 
Third, we assume that the intersection surface models as flat, and 
reconstruct the road surface models using the Minimum Description 
Length (MDL) principle. A road surface model reconstructed by 
this principle has both minimum model degree and the model error. 
We reconstruct block surface models as polygons delineated by the 
vertices of the adjoining intersection models and road models. 
Fourth, we combine surface and building models. Building models 
are reconstructed using the technique presented in (Horiguchi et al., 
Finally, we project the realistic texture acquired from aerial video 
images onto the models of buildings, roads, intersections, and block 
surfaces. We proposed a technique that yields exact texture mapping 
by comparing the polygons of 3D models to the texture shapes 
using MDL principle 
Combining Surface model 
with Building model 
Texture Mapping 
within aerial video images (Horiguchi et al., 1999). We try to ensure END 
robust, high quality texture projection. In order to determine the 
capture system parameters, video camera motion, position, and Figure 1. Block Diagram 
orientation are determined using a Differential - Global Positioning 
In a trial, 3D urban models of roads, intersections, block surface models and building models are recovered by our new 
2.1 Matching DEM with Digital 2D map 
We match DEM to a digital 2D map using the building shape information in the digital 2D map in order to extract road, 
intersection and block areas from DEM. Although DEM and the digital 2D map have grid values based on common 
coordinate system together, it is not easy to match them. When matching DEM to a digital 2D map by using only grid 
values, the displacement errors become very large because the DEM is inaccurate in the horizontal plane. Therefore, 
this paper describes an approach that minimizes the errors. 
We previously proposed a technique to divide DEM data into three surface types: Flat type, Slope type, and Boundary 
type by using Gaussian and Mean curvature (Horiguchi et al., 1999). In this case, the point sets of Boundary type 
represent the contours of buildings, and corresponds building shapes on the digital 2D map. Therefore, our approach 
minimizes the distance between points of Boundary type and lines of building shape by offsetting the DEM alignment 
on the horizontal plane. 
Figure 2 shows an example of DEM - digital 2D map matching. In Figure 2, the left image shows the Boundary point 
414 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000.

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