Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Shoichi Horiguchi 
The gray indicates the Block surface model. The vertices of the Block surface model touch the vertices of Road and 
Intersection surface models. 
Figure 7. Results of Road and Intersection surface model 
The road surface models are shown in light gray, while strong gray represents the intersection surface models. The road 
surface models were mostly flat. 
4.2 Results of reconstructing 3D Digital city model 
Figures 8, 9 and 10 show an image of the input DEM, the appearance of the reconstructed 3D digital city model and 3D 
digital city projected realistic texture onto the top of the buildings, respectively. This DEM covered an area of 500m by 
500m. Elevation data was acquired on a 50cm grid. Therefore there were 1,000,000 elevation points. And this DEM is 
acquired from the first pulse of laser scanning system. These DEM values express the top of objects. 
One characteristics of this 3D digital city is that it makes the 3D model correspond to objects in the digital 2D map on a 
one to one basis. Consequently this 3D digital city model is very easy to use in several simulations and GIS 
Figure 8. Input DEM 
418 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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