Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Herbert Jahn 
Figure 1. WAAC stereo pair “Village” 
The bright horizontal lines show the places where a cross section of both images were taken. Figure 2 shows the gray 
value profiles along those lines. One can see the varying disparity. Figure 3 shows the profiles after matching. A good 
coincidence of both profiles now is observed. 
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Figure 2. Gray value profiles Figure 3. Gray value profiles after matching 
The disparity s, along the horizontal line is displayed in figure 4. This seems to be a useful result although ground truth 
is not available. Figure 5 shows the s,- image. 
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; Figure 4. Disparity profile Figure 5. Disparity image 
The stereo pair of figure 1 is not strictly epipolar. After matching in x- direction as was shown here there remain small 
shifts in y- direction in some image regions caused by aircraft attitude disturbances. These shifts can be nearly removed 
by applying the algorithm in y- direction. A red-green coded overlay of both images reveals this but that is not shown 
here because of limitations of printing space. Some areas with matching errors remain especially near buildings where 
occlusions occur. Furthermore, the disparities seem to be too smooth. 
442 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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