Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

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Renata Jedryczka 
We used weights average in calculating absent Z values. The new Z is calculated by 
Z=Y w;*Z; where w;=-— 1  n=1..8, depending of numbers Z; <>0 (1) 
If we assume that errors of Z values are numbers from interval (m;,m;) , where m, -minZ,, m, --maxZ, (i-l..n) 
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then new Z value has error. m «- —-*m,. (2) 
Because should be m»zm, then mzm; so error couldn't be much bigger then m; - maximum of errors of neighbouring 
Z. Only the newly calculating points are taken into account. The data added from outer sources should also have errors 
not bigger then max m». 
The black and white images in scale 1:5000 were used as the test data. They have been scanned with pixels of 15um 
that means that the image pixel size was about 0.075m. The accuracy of vector data were 0.1-0.2m." 
We usually need to correct much wider regions than the places covered by the buildings themselves so if pixel is 
0.075m it is more than enough. 
The smallest window in the automatic DEM generation was 21 x 21 pixel, on all the levels of pyramid, consequently 
the shortest distances between points in original Z file were about 1,58m. To generate orthoimage in the scale, for 
example, 1:2000 on screen with the resolution 100 dpi we should have the Z file with the grid about 0,53 m. The 
generation of it started when the original Z file was dense (without holes) and smooth enough . In the Figure 4 we have 
DEM for area 197m x 189m corresponding with area in the Figure 1 and 2 . In the interactive process the buildings are 
In this area 26 checked points lying on the ground were selected. They were taken manually from images with the help 
of stereoscopic visualisation. The maximum difference in Z values of these points with Z generated in dense file was 
1,2, the s, = 0.22 m and r.m.s.= 0.06. 
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Figure 4. Dense generated DEM of selected region with grid size about 12.6 m (corresponding with 8*21 pixels in the 
original image). 
We received the ground-DEM where grid corresponds with pixel size in orthoimage after bilinear interpolation . In the 
Figure 5 we have the visualisation in grey scale of ground-DEM (without buildings) generated for orthoimage in 
printing scale 1:2000. Checking the Z values on the 20 draining holes taken from vector data we have the maximum 
difference of about 1.5m on 1 point , only 3 points about 1 m and 16 in interval (0.1; 0,6) and s, z0.61 and r.m.s.z 0.2. 
" All test data we received from the Aalborg University in Denmark at the opportunity of OEEPE test "Automatic 
orientation on data base information" (Jedryczka, 1999). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 455 

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