Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Helmut Kager 
5.4 Example 
This example shows the definition of a torus using the ORIENT command language DIRAN (comments - to end of line - 
are indicated with $c): 
CRE Gest 301 data(.dat) free end(-99) z=obs( 
+ $c gijkqrst x^i y^j z^k S^s T^t canonical form; i.e. in local coord-sys 
2 -34000000 1. 0:1 $c x74 
: -30400000 1. 0.1 $c y^ 
; -30040000 1. 0.1 $c z^4 
-32200000 2. 0.1 $c x72 y72 
a» | -32020000 2. 0.1 $c x72 2^2 
-30220000 2. 0.1 $c 372272 
- € ] -32000020 -1. 0.1 $c x72 872 
-32000002 -1. 0.1 $c x72 T^9 
-30200020 -1. 0:1 $c y 2 S72 
-30200002 -1. 0.1 $c y^2 1^9 
-30020011 +2. 0.1 $c 2°2 5 T 
-30000022 1. 0.1 $c S721. 172 
(36) | 39990002 1. 10.1 $c S = (R+r)/rho0 
| 39990001 0.3 10.1 $c T := (R-r)/rho0 
, the 
er is | G1 $c subtype 1 
esp. ) erp rotpar-obs-omfika(3 4 5 0 0 0.001) norm(5) take(G3) sig(.01). 
The details shall not bother us here - the reader may try to verify the coefficients above with a suitable torus-formula 
from a text-book; nevertheless, one thing is remarkable and crucial with our definition of GESTALTS: since a torus is 
| rotationally invariant (this one with respect to the Z-axis) we have to take care of a singularity which will show up in 
adjustment; this singularity is stabilized, observing fictitionally that rotational parameter which is responsible for the 
z-rotation ( k = 59 + 0.0019). 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 479 

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