Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Tsuru Kosuke 
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Fig. 11 Merging by assistants with cutting 
Figure 13 and 14 represent the outlines of the roads before and after automatic compilation. Figure 13 shows the 
result after the stereo plotting. Figure 14 is a result of the automatic compilation. The lines show roads, and break 
lines show assistant lines. All types of compilation used in our cases are represented on these figures. 
Fig. 12 before compilation 
Fig, 13 after compilation 
According to our experiment, the result of the first pattern is 100.0 % of 158 places done successfully. Second pattern is 93.8 % of 16 
places. Third pattern is 60.0 % of 5 places. Fourth pattem is 75.0 % of 4 places. Fifth pattem is 82.9 % of 35 places. Sixth pattern is 
95.8 % of 71 places. Seventh pattern is 86.6 % of 97 places. Total 93.2 % of 386 places where compilation was necessary involved all 
seven patterns and it was successfully compiled. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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