Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,1)

Uwe Bacher 
namely the utilization of dark shadows in sun direction!, and the exploitation of vertical structures, i.e., especially the 
trunks, which are projected to nadir pointing straight lines (Jaynes et al., 1994, Lin and Nevatia, 1998, Shufelt, 1996). 
Additionally, we assume that the deciduous tree is rotational symmetric. Thus, its 3D outline can be derived from its 
normalized and symmetric shadow projection. Please note that conifers would require a totally different modeling. The 
main reason for this is that they never loose their needles resulting into a totally different appearance in the image. 
disturbing objekt 
rotational symmetric 
medium-|| vertical] — 00055 0560 bus, HUE PEAT ITY 
sized linear REA 
volume object hierarchically »~ ~ 
connected ‘ 
with “uf 
vertical " thick vertical extremely thin fhin MATERIAL 
; 3D point ; ; wooden AND 
cylinder wooden cylinder | | wooden cylinder cylinder GEOMETRY 
point of intersection 
A intersect in 
. — Y 
disturbs : —— : ! 
„Hm eam Or I LN 
N : Y y f long, : | long, 
dark : | dark, blurred | |. short, distinct distinct indistinct short, indistinct 
blob edge datk line dark line in|: line in line IMAGE 
light : nadir- 
direction | : | direction 
dark lines, dark and light lines, 
: high contrast ; low contrast 
—® specialization relation concrete relation 
part-of relation 2 generalrelation’ ^ ii meme properties of objects 
Figure 1: Model of leafless deciduous tree and disturbing object 
Figure 1 represents the deciduous tree from three different points of view, i.e., levels, which are connected by the so-called 
concrete link (Tónjes, 1997, Mayer, 1998): In the real world, the nearly rotational symmetric tree consists of its trunk and 
crown. The base of the trunk is a part of the trunk and determines the position of the tree on the ground. The tree crown 
is connected to the trunk and consists of branches. The branches are connected hierarchically with decreasing thickness, 
ending in twigs. 
The material and geometry level describes the objects independently of the sensor. The trunk is represented as thick 
vertical, the branch as thin and mostly curved, and the twig as extremely thin wooden cylinder with a bark surface. The 
base of the trunk is a 3D point whose coordinates can be derived from two or more images or an existing digital terrain 
model (DTM). 
The objects at the material and geometry level are connected with the image primitives at the image level. On this level, 
the deciduous tree is represented on one hand indirectly by its shadow projection and on the other hand by its direct 
projection. In shadow projection, the more or less vertical trunk appears as long distinct dark line in sun direction. The 
branches correspond to short dark lines of high contrast. The outermost thin twigs of the tree crown are not resolved at 
this resolution as lines, but appear as a blurred edge. In direct projection, the branches are short lines and the trunk is a 
long line in nadir direction. The lines are dark or light and mostly of low contrast. 
I1.e., projection of a vertical line on the horizontal ground, where the sun is the projection center 
52 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 
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