Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Wonkyu Park 
Figure 5. SPOT Left (left) and Right (right) scenes over Boryung area. 
terion is 
on. Thus, 
led. The 
satellite Figure 6. SPOT Left (left) and Right (right) scenes over Seoul area. 
h search 
ited from Boryung area, Korea Seoul area, Korea 
Left image Right image Left image Right image 
Scene size 6000x6000 6000x6000 6000x6000 6000x6000 
Viewing angle -25.8 0.4 -16 2.2. 
Acquisition time March, 1, 1997 November, 15, 1998 | May, 5, 1998 August, 24, 1997 
Table 2. SPOT Panchromatic Scene Information 
rs, urban 
collected The performance of our strategy (we will refer our strategy to "Valadd-Pro" from now on) and other commercial 
pare two software packages is summarized in table 3 and 4. The commercial software packages, unfortunately, have large errors 
solution In ocean and river parts (See figure 7 and 8). Therefore, in the first one, we have compared DEMs automatically 
generated by Valadd-Pro, PCI and Intergraph with truth DEMs. In the second, we have excluded ocean parts from 
DEMs by Valadd-Pro, PCI and Intergraph, and have compared with truth DEMs. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 709 

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