Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

e model 
each point of 
' constant size 
'y the average 
; of the vector 
albedo A, the 
ns (3) and (4) 
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es at this posi- 
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DTM meshes 
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In order to ob- 
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nd in SFS a 
ant albedo and 
Christian Piechullek 
In order for this method to work noticeable local grey value gradients dg/dZ , 
dg /0Zk,1=0g / dr dr / 0Zk,! + dg / dc dc / O0Zk, 1 (7) 
in line with the employed reflectance model must be available in image space (r and c stand for the pixel coordinates 
row and column). Otherwise, the matrix of normal equations within the least squares adjustment will become singular. 
While this condition is the same for least squares image matching and MI-SFS, it is more critical in the case discussed 
here due to the generally poor texture in areas suitable for SFS, i. e. areas with constant albedo. As can be seen from 
equation (7) this condition has two important implications: (1) a shift in the DTM heights Z4, must result in a noticeable 
shift in image space, i.e. or / dZ orac/ 0Z must be noticeable, and (2) such a shift must in turn result in noticeable local 
grey value difference dg/dr and dg / dc between the neighbouring pixels. 
- À number of restrictions follow from this condition when applying the proposed method to a planetary scenario: 
(1) Planar surfaces cannot be reconstructed. In the Lambert law the BDR only depends on the incidence angle i which 
is constant for the whole plane. Thus, all images of this plane have uniform brightness, dg / r and 3g / àc are both 
zero. The situation is somewhat better for the Lommel-Seeliger law, because the BDR also depends on the emit- 
tance angle e. However, for all realistic planetary applications due to the small instantaneous field of view of the 
employed sensors neighbouring pixels will have nearly the same emittance angle, and thus nearly the same grey 
value. Again, no local grey values are present. 
(2) Undulated surfaces, on the other hand can be reconstructed from one or multiple images. However, in case only 
one vertical image is available, i. e. the optical axis is more or less parallel to the Z-axis of the object coordinate 
system, areas near the nadir point can create problems regardless of the employed reflectance model, because 
àr / 0Z and dc /dZ might be both too small. This problem can be resolved by changing the direction of the axes of 
the object coordinate system. 
(3) A small incidence angle i will generate only small grey value gradients (see figure 2 and 3) and can create problems 
for the Lambert case, especially if only one image is available and stereoscopic correspondence cannot be used. For 
the Lommel-Seeliger case this issue occurs as well, but can be at least partly solved by choosing a large emittance 
angle e. If possible a large incidence angle should be used. 
(4) The BDR for Lommel-Seeliger type surfaces is relatively flat (see again figure 3), especially for values of i and e 
being similar and below approximately 60 degrees. If both angles are identical the BDR even becomes independent 
of i and e, and thus of the terrain inclination, and takes on the value of 0.5 A;s (see equation 2). Thus, when the 
emittance angle can be influenced a value different from the incidence angle and as large as possible should be cho- 
(5) Since the BDR depends linearly on the albedo (see equations 1 and 2) surfaces should be imaged with as much 
irradiance as possible, i. e. with as large an exposure time as possible. 
(6) Radiometric manipulations of the images will have different results with respect to the resulting surface shape. A 
constant change in overall surface brightness (offset) will primarily change the estimated surface albedo, but the 
normal vectors will also be effected. A positive offset will lead to smaller variations of the surface normal, a nega- 
tive offset will lead to larger ones. A linear change in surface contrast (gain factor) on the other hand will have no 
effect, because the resulting linear contrast enhancement will be completely compensated for by the estimated sur- 
face albedo. Brightness and contrast enhancement of individual images, however, can have unpredictable effects. 
(7) Due to the generally poor image texture, noise can be a particularly difficult problem for the Lambert and the 
Lommel-Seeliger case. In order to reduce the noise level it is advisable to filter the images using a lowpass prior to 
the surface reconstruction. 
In extensive simulation studies (Piechullek et al. 1998; Piechullek 2000) all mentioned points were verified. While the 
points (1) to (6) follow directly from the given equations, the influence of noise was investigated in more detail. Three 
error-free synthetic images from different viewpoints were generated using an undulated terrain. Using these error-free 
images stable results for the object surface were achieved with a range of different DTMs as initial values for the un- 
known heights. Subsequently, the images were contaminated by Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of 6 grey 
values. While the results obtained from these noisy images were clearly a function of the DTM used as initial values, 
lowpass-filtering and thus noise reduction prior to surface reconstruction produced the desired results: convergence 
towards the correct result was again achieved. The radius of convergence was found to be approximately 20 pixels for 
both, the Lambert and the Lommel-Seeli ger case. A comparison between the results from the error-free and the noisy, 
filtered images revealed that the effect of filtering onto the geometric accuracy of the reconstruction was negligible. 
The simulations were also carried out for individual images. As was to be expected, in this case the accuracy of the 
obtained results was worse by a factor of about 2 compared to the solution with three images due to the lower redun- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 727 

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