Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Jochen Schiewe 
thermore, it is obvious that the mentioned three processing topics are influencing each other - for instance, the Object 
extraction phase gives evidence about objects that have to be eliminated for the generation of an approximated DTM 
which then can be re-computed, so that we will also implement an iterative and closed sequence of these topics Which 
have been handled independently until now. 
Finally it can be stated that the presented methods are significantly contributing to the initial goal of improving the 
integration of elevation and image data, and thus also to the envisaged use and success of upcoming multi-sensor. 
systems in the next few years. 
The presented HRSC-A image data by courtesy of the City of Osnabrück, Germany (Fachdienst Geodaten). SPOT datı 
by courtesy of partners within the project “GIS-based Models and GIS-Tools for Sustainable Transport Planning in 
“Israel and Palestine” sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG). 
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Shi, Z. and Shibasaki, R., 1996. Towards automated house detection from digital stereo imagery for GIS database revi 
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814 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 
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