Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

Jeffrey Shan 
robust bundle adjustment. The approach intends to reach an optimal solution for automatic exterior image orientation 
regarding to precision, reliability and efficiency. 
The proposed approach starts with selecting a number of image patches in several 
standard locations of the aerial image. In order to ensure high reliability in the 
automatic process, each patch contains at least 512*512 pixels; and minimum 3*3 
evenly distributed patches are selected (Fig.l). Corresponding patches in the 
orthoimage are obtained based on a priori initial exterior orientation parameters or 
by manual selection. In this way, the search space and amount of computation are 
greatly reduced in subsequent processing. Corresponding patches on aerial and 
orthoimage will be conducted with feature points extraction, feature 
correspondence, feature matching and precision matching. 
[2] [3] 
© 2 
Fig.1 Patch distribution 
—— | 
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Fig.2 illustrates the workflow of the proposed approach. As is shown, feature 
extraction is respectively conducted on theses selected aerial image patches : 
and on the corresponding orthoimage patches. Moravec operator and Fórstner Point feature Paint feature 
; extraction extraction 
operator [4] are used to extract point features. The number of extracted feature 
points in each patch can reach upto a few thousands. Such a great amount of | 
observations will substantially ensure the quality of subsequent image 
| Feature correspondence | 
matching and orientation computation. 
Consistence check 
Feature matching 
aerial image Ortho image 
Next, feature correspondence is performed among the extracted feature points 
by cross correlation within a bounded search window in the corresponding 
aerial image and orthoimage patches. In order to avoid false matching, local 
topologic and geometric constraints are introduced in the feature 
correspondence step. Experience shows that these constraints are necessary for 
obtaining reliable correspondence results. Once the feature correspondence is 
established, cross correlation and least squares matching [1] are applied to 
further refine the result. Usually, a large amount of feature points (1000- 
2000) can be selected for the final bundle adjustment (see Tab.l in next Fig.2 Flowchart of image orientation 
section. ). with orthoimage and DTM 
DTM data 
Exterior orientation parameters are calculated by bundle adjustment with successfully matched feature points in 
preceding steps. Since large amount of matched points are involved in the calculation, robust estimation is therefore 
introduced in this step to detect and eliminate remaining false matches so that the quality of this automatic orientation 
procedure can be further ensured. The covariance matrix of exterior orientation parameters indicates the ideal accuracy 
of space resection. Comparing the result of automatic orientation with the one obtained from sufficient manual 
measurements does a further evaluation of the proposed approach. 
Upon obtaining the exterior orientation parameters, the 3-D location of an image point can be determined by using the 
existing DTM data. This is one of the fundamental issues in ortho rectification and database base revision based on 
image features. For this purpose, an integrated algorithm for point determination by using mono-image as well as DTM 
data is developed and evaluated. A brief derivation of this algorithm is shown below. 
The well known collinear equation is written as 
X x Xc 
Y |1R| y» HIYe (1) 
Z —f Zc 
where (X,Y,Z) and (Xc,Yc,Zc) are coordinates of a ground point and the camera center respectively, (x,y) are image 
coordinates of the corresponding ground point, f is the principal length of the camera, R is the 3x3 orthogonal rotational 
matrix whose elements are determined by orientation angles of the aerial image, 1 is the scale factor related to that 
image point. 
On the other hand, the given DTM can be expressed in general as 
832 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 
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