Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

George Vosselman 
was shown that a function which minimises the probability of a classification error produces a DEM with smaller errors 
than a function which tries to preserve shape characteristics in the training data. 
As expected, the filter results deteriorate with an decreasing point density. The filtering of reflections on low vegetation 
can not be perfect, and will always cause errors in the derived digital elevation model. Although the mean errors in the 
computed DEM's were relatively small (4-6 cm for 1 point per 16 m^), the RMS error values were found to be in the 
order of 20-30 cm. The true precision of the DEM is expected to be slightly worse, since the effects of the measurement 
noise was not included in the computed RMS values. 
In this paper points were classified solely by comparing height differences between two points. Better classifications 
can be expected if other features, like height textures derived from multiple points are also used [Maas, 1999, Oude 
Elberink and Maas, 2000]. In that case it should become easier to make a distinction between a ground point on a sloped 
surface and a vegetation point on a horizontal surface, even though the maximum height differences between these 
points and their surrounding points are the same. 
Another way to improve the classification is to introduce support from an image analyst. If the morphological 
characteristics of a terrain vary within an area to be processed, one could (by roughly drawing polygons on an image) 
indicate areas which are more or less homogeneous. For each type of terrain one could then use a different training set 
to derive the optimal filter for that terrain type. The amount of required interaction is quite low, but the filter results 
could improve considerably. 
The laser altimetry data was kindly provided by the Survey Department of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and 
Water Management. 
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Oude Elberink, S., Maas, H-G., 2000. The use of anisotropic height texture measures for the segmentation of airborne 
laserscanner data. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXIII, Commission III, 
942 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 

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