Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

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Edward M. Mikhail 
areas are depicted in Figure 1: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing within Purdue University, the University of 
Southern California, and BAE SYSTEMS (formerly GDE then Marconi) as an industrial partner. The title of the 
project is: Rapid and Affordable Generation of Terrain and Detailed Urban Feature Data. 
The overall vision relative to which the MURI Research 
Center has been established is shown in Figure 2. Figure 
3 illustrates the approach taken by the Center and the 
interaction between the Team members to accomplish the 
vision. The primary goal of the research is to 
economically construct an accurate three-dimensional 
database suitable for use in a visualization environment. 
Many sources of data are considered: hand-held, aerial, 
and satellite frame imagery, including video, both 
panchromatic and color; multi-spectral and hyper-spectral 
imagery; SAR, IFSAR and LIDAR data; and other 
information sources such as digital elevation models. 
Because of the diversity of the sources, rigorous 
mathematical modeling of the various sensing systems is 
imperative in order to accomplish accurate registration 
and fusion. Section 2 is therefore devoted to this aspect of the research, followed by the important task of spatial 
feature extraction in section 3, and database construction and visualization in section 4. The paper ends with section 5 
on conclusions and recommendations for future research directions. 
| Approach: Research by an Integrated. 
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Figure 3. MURI Approach 
Since several different data sources are considered as input to the feature extraction module, it is imperative that they 
are "registered" with respect to each other and relative to the terrain object space. In the case of imagery, registration 
means that the mathematical model of the sensor acquiring the imagery is rigorously constructed and recovered . Two 
types of passive sensors will be discussed: Frame and Push-broom, each of which will be discussed in a separate 
subsection. Accurate sensor models are also important for the generation of digital elevation models which are not only 
a product in their own right, but are also used in support of other tasks such as hyperspectral image classification and 
cultural feature extraction as will be discussed later. 
2.1 Modeling For Frame Singles and Sequences 
Frame imagery has been the most common form and its modeling has therefore been discussed extensively in the 
photogrammetric literature over the years. Each frame is assigned six exterior orientation (EO) elements, and usually 
three geometric interior orientation (IO) elements. When considering uncalibrated digital cameras, the IO elements are 
often augmented by several more parameters that account for some or all of the following: skewness, differential scale, 
and radial and decentering lens distortion coefficients. These are explicitly carried as parameters in the pair of 
photogrammetric collinearity equations for each ray. Since the equations are non-linear, it is important to have 
reasonable approximations for the unknown parameters. Such approximations are sometimes difficult to obtain 
particularly for unusual image acquisition geometries of oblique aerial photography and hand-held imagery. The linear 
invariance-based formulation is useful for quickly deriving approximations for camera parameters. One formulation is 
for a pair of overlapping images in which the image coordinates are related by the Fundamental Matrix, F, or 
[x, Yi LF [x, Ya IF 0 (1) 
Although F has 9 elements, only 7 are independent. As an example, this technique is applied to a pair of convergent 
video frames, Figure 4. After F is estimated, relative camera transformation matrices for each of the two video frames 
can be extracted from the fundamental matrix. Then projective model coordinates can be computed for any known 
ground control point visible on the two frames. Using the known ground control point coordinates in the 3D orthogonal 
system and their corresponding projective model coordinates, fifteen elements of the 4x4 three-dimensional projective 
transformation matrix can be estimated. Now the true camera transformation matrices are computed by multiplying the 
relative camera transformation matrices by the projective transformation matrix. Finally, the real camera parameters 
are extracted from the camera transformation matrices. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 593 

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