Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

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see Figure 3. 
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Edward M. Mikhail 
coordinates must be scaled in order to prevent the solution from becoming unstable. A degenerate case occurs for 
Models 2 and 3 for this particular case of aerial photography where the air base direction between the two near vertical 
photographs is parallel to the image x coordinate direction, and an independent subset of the trilinearity equations is 
2.2 Modeling For Non-Frame Imagery 
One of the significant accomplishments of the MURI project has been the integration of remote sensing analysis with 
the task of extraction of urban features. This has been made possible by the availability of high spatial and spectral 
resolution image data such as generated by sensor systems known as HYDICE and HyMap. 
2.2.1 HYDICE Modeling (Push-broom) 
One HYDICE image contains 320 columns, and typically consists of four major frames each containing 320 lines, 
resulting in a 320 column by 1280 line image for each of the 210 bands of the hyperspectral sensor. At constant time 
intervals associated with each individual line of the pushbroom scan, 320 by 210 pixel arrays called minor frames are 
exposed; see Figure 6(a). Since the geometric distortions that exist 
among the 210 bands are negligible, rectification is performed on just 
one of the bands which depicts features on the ground clearly. The 
same transformation may then be applied to any of the other bands, or 
later to the thematic image after each pixel has been classified. 
line = -640 
1 minor frame (a pushbroom line) 
} Center 
Mathematical modeling includes sensor and platform models. The 
objective of sensor modeling is to relate pixels on an image to 
coordinates in an orthogonal 3-dimensional sensor coordinate system 
y (SCS). At any given instant of time, we can imagine the HYDICE 
sensor positioned along its flight trajectory at the instantaneous 
Eee. imei \ perspective center, coinciding with the origin of the SCS; see Figure 
i 6(b). At this time instant 1 minor frame consisting of a line of 320 
pixels is exposed. 
1 major 
= 320 lines 
SN Image Vector 
to ground point N 
Platform modeling involves determining the exterior orientation of the 
instantaneous perspective center, i.e. origin of the SCS, with respect to 
the ground coordinate system. Three items are considered: the data 
that is recorded in real time in the header of the HYDICE imagery; 
piecewise polynomial as platform model; and the concept of a Gauss- 
Markov process and its application to platform modeling. 
Figure 6. (a) HYDICE Image, (b) 
HYDICE Geometry 
There are six time-dependent elements of exterior orientation consisting of three coordinates for position and three 
angles for orientation. At one second intervals, the easting, northing, and height are recorded from the Global 
Positioning System (GPS), which is operating in differential mode on board the aircraft. When functioning properly, 
the standard deviations on the horizontal and vertical components of position are 0.4 and 0.9 meters, respectively. The 
GPS data are used as a priori values, although they are not fixed, in both of the platform models considered. 
Roll, pitch, and yaw angular values and rates are supplied by the inertial navigation system (INS) of the aircraft for 
every minor frame of the HYDICE image; i.e., for each line. These data express the orientation of the aircraft with 
respect to an inertial ground system in terms of three non-sequential angles. A flight stabilization platform (FSP) is 
used aboard the aircraft to keep the orientation of the sensor roughly constant by compensating for changes in the 
orientation of the aircraft. Three non-sequential angles for the FSP are recorded for each minor frame. Errors in the 
INS data prevented it from being fully exploited in our experiments. 
The piecewise polynomial approach involves the recovery of polynomial coefficients for each of the six elements of 
exterior orientation. A different set of coefficients may be recovered for each segment of an image that has been 
divided into sections. Constraints on the parameters, such as continuity, may be imposed at the section boundaries. 
Although sufficient for the modeling of satellite pushbroom scanners, which are in a stable orbit, this method appears to 
be too rigid for the modeling of an aircraft flight path, and therefore a more flexible approach was sought. 
In the Gauss-Markov approach, six parameters per line are carried to model the instantaneous exterior orientation for 
each pushbroom line. Parameters for each image line are tied, or constrained, stochastically to those of the previous 
image line. This model allows for greater flexibility for linear feature constraints to contribute to parameter recovery 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 595 

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