Full text: XIXth congress (Part B3,2)

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Isao Miyagawa 
Martin Reddy, Yvan Leclerc, Lee Iverson, and Nat Beletter, 1999. TerraVision II: Visualizing Massive Terrain databases 
in VRML. /EEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 
Carlo Tomasi and Takeo Kanade, 1992. Shape and Motion from Image Streams - a Factorization Method Full Report on 
the Orthographic Case. CMU-92-104. 
Conrad J Poelman and Takeo Kanade, 1997. A Paraperspective Factorization Method for Shape and Motion Recovery. 
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.19, No.3. 
Carlo Tomasi and Takeo Kanade, 1991. Detection and Tracking of Point Features. CMU-CS-91-132. 
Jianbo Shi and Carlo Tomasi, 1994. Good features to track. CVPR94, p593-600. 
. RY Tsai, 1986. An Effect and Accurate Camera Calibration Technique for 3D Machine Vision. CVPR. 
L.Miyagawa, S.Nagai, K.Sugiyama, 1999. Recovery of Building Shape from Aerial Images using Factorization Method 
with Sensor Information. UM3-99. 
I.Miyagawa, S.Nagai, K.Sugiyama, 2000. Shape Recovery from Aerial Images using Factorization Method with Sensor 
Information. ACCV2000. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B3. Amsterdam 2000. 615 

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