Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

da Silva, Simone 
Simone da SILVA' , Quintino DALMOLIN" 
Universidade Federal do Paraná 
Curso de Pés-graduacio em Ciéncias Geodésicas 
“ Departamento de Desenho 
. ssilva@geoc.ufpr.br 
"" Departamento de Geomática 
dalmolin@ geoc.ufpr.br 
KEY WORDS: Close Range, Architecture, Restitution. 
The graphic representation of historical monuments is traditionally performed with the assistance of tape measure. Whit 
this purpose, all the necessary elements for its representation are measured, "in loco". This traditional technique, used in 
most of the works carried out in Brazil, is based on direct measurements on the monument. This measurements are time 
consuming dependent on the conservation state of the monument. They can even damage the monument. After the 
Second World War, the conservation of monuments was motivated, leading, in 1964, to elaboration of the International 
Charter about conservation and restoration of monuments, known as Charter of Venice. Since then, several countries, 
including Brazil, began to establish programs for maintenance of their historical monuments. The International Council 
of Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS recommended that each country should constitute a photogrammetric record of its 
monuments and sites, since photogrammetry is considered the main and more advanced method for surveying. This 
paper shows the photogrammetric survey made in the “Solar of Rosário", a monument placed in the historical center of 
Curitiba — Paraná — Brazil. The survey was done with a Rolleiflex 6006 camera and the recording was performed by the 
method of mono-differential restitution, which presupposes the solution of the problem (representation of an object) 
with observations in a single frame photography. The work was divided in three stages: First, the recognition of the 
monument and photogrammetric survey; second, the topographic survey of the control points; and third, the mono- 
differential restitution. The mono-differential restitution was made through the *Monorestituidor Digital" program, that 
is associated with a PC based CAD-MicroStation system and its module for image processing IRAS-C. The mono- 
differential restitution was performed according to the following steps: a) interior orientation; b) approximate space 
orientation: c) external orientation; d) vectorial digitising of the elements of interest and, finally, e) the transformation 
between the referential of the image space and referential object space and the adopted projection system. 
The majority of Countries have shown its preoccupation 
respect to the its culture preservation, what presupposes, 
among other factors, the conservation, restoration. and 
consequent heritage classification of the architectural 
monuments and archaeological sites. The conciliation 
between the preservation of the historical heritage with the 
regional development has continually been, object of study, 
redirecting and revitalizing the activities of use of the 
constructions that represent historical monuments of the city 
or of the culture immigration. 
Several works related to the monuments conservation and 
restoration, be them architectural, archaeological or 
historical character, have shown the importance and the 
applicable of the photogrammetry for this aim. 
Programs of maintenance of historical monuments were 
developed over all the world. In Brazil the subject began to 
be discussed in 1920, nevertheless there are few works that 
used the photogrammetry for data acquisition. With the 
Figure 1. Solar of Rosário 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 157 

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