Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Gonzalo-Tasis, Margarita 
[FG98] J. Finat And M. Gonzalo-Tasis: "Fast recognition of postures for a simplified three-fingered hand", IEEE Int. 
Conf. SMC’98 (San Diego, CA), October (1998).3466-3470 
[FL98] J. Finat And J. Lopez-Coronado: "An Hybrid Model for the Hand Preconfiguration in Rehabilitation Grasping 
Tasks", IEEE Int. Conf. SMC’98 (San Diego, CA), October (1998), 3448-3453. 
[GF98b] M. Gonzalo-Tasis And J. Finat: "Towards a Coarse Real-Time Stereo Fusion based on Triple Junctions", 
SIBGRAPI'98, Rio de Janeiro, October, 1998. 
[GF98a] M. Gonzalo-Tasis And J. Finat: "A hybrid approach for a real time stereo fusion based on triple junctions", 
Proc. of the IV Jornadas de Informatica, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain, Junio 1998. 
[HE97] P. A. Harling And A. D .N. Edwards, eds: Progress in Gestural Interaction, Springer-Verlag, 1997. 
[Hay94] Haykin: Neural Networks, IEEE Press, 1994. 
[Ho99] R.M.Hord: Understanding Parallel Supercomputing , IEEE Press, 1999. 
[Ko97] T.Kohonen: Self-organizing maps, Springer Series in Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 1997. 
[KBM96] J. Kosecka, R. Bajcsy And M. Mintz: "Control of Visually Guided Behaviors", in C.Brown and 
D.Terzopoulos (eds): Real-time Computer Vision Cambridge University Press (1996), 189-207. 
[LK95] J.Lee And Y.Kunii: "Model-based analysis of hand posture", in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 
(1995), 77-86. 
[MC97] R.J.Millar And G.F.Crawford: "A Mathematical Model for Hand-Shape Analysis" in [HE97], 235-245. 
[Pe94] P.Peretto: An Introduction to the Modeling of Neural Networks, Cambridge Univ. Press, reprinted 1994. 
[PS99] R.Perez-Pellon And D.Sanchez-Pardo: Modelos Simbólicos para el Reconocimiento de Posturas de una Mano 
Artificial de Tres Dedos, Master Thesis, Univ of Valladolid, Enero, 1999. 
[RK94] J.M.Rehg And T.Kanade: "Visual Tracking of High DOF Articulated Structures: an application to Human Hand 
Tracking", in J.O.Eklundh (ed): ECCV'94 Stockholm, LNCS 801,Springer-Verlag (1994), 35-46. 
[R197] H.Ritter: "Neural Network Approaches for Perception and Action", in G.Sommer and J.K.Koendering, eds: 
International Workshop, AFPAC'97, Kiel/, LNCS 1315 (1997), 356-378. 
[SA97] K.Surendro And Y.Anzai: "Non-rigid Object Recognition using Principal Component Analysis and Geometric 
Hashing", in G.Sommer, K.Daniilidis and J.Pauli, eds: 7th Intl Conf, CAIP'97, Kiel, September, 1997, LNCS 1296 
Springer-Verlag 50-57. 
[Su] SUSAN: (Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus) by Steve Smith/Oxford University 
[UFSK95] Y. Uno, N. Fukumura, R. Suzuki And M. Kawato: "A Computational Model for the Recognizing Objects 
and Planning Hand Shape in Grasping Movements", IEEE Neural Networks, Vol.8, No.6 (1995), 839-851. 
304 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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