Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Groot, Jos 
start 10:14:33 
20 T T T T T T T 
id | 
107 = 
5F 4 
2 oF 7 
-5F + 
-10r 7 
-15r =| 
-20 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 13 +31 1.32 1.33 
RDx [m] 
Figure 3. Horizontal distance to planned flight track as a function of RDx (-longitude). 
Up till now we produced interferograms which exhibit coherences up to 0.7, but only in parts of the scene. This 
is possibly due to insufficiently compensated beam azimuth variations, to inaccurate orbit/attitude data, or to 
unknown processor faults. The next months will be used to locate the real cause, optimise the processing and/or 
the data acquisition. 
The authors thank P.J.L. Blommaart, G.J. Husti, G. A.M. Kruse, D. van Loon, J. Samson, E.J.O. Schrama, A.J. 
Striegel and J.M.P.C.M. Visser for their cooperation in this experiment. 
Geudtner, D., 1995. The interferometric processing of SAR data. Report ESA-TT1341, ESA. 
Van Rossum, W., Otten, M.P.G., Smith A., Groot J.S., 2000. The PHARUS system; an overview and recent 
developments. Paper number 157 in these proceedings. 
Zebker, H.A., Villasenor, J., 1992. Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes. IEEE Tr. on Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, 30(5), 950-959. 
308 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 

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