Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Gruen, Armin 
Site recording and modeling from images has become a key issue in photogrammetry. Over the past 20 years or so a 
wealth of automated approaches to object extraction from satellite, aerial and terrestrial images has been developed. 
While some of these procedures work fine with highly structured images, as they are found in industrial measurement 
applications, they will inevitably fail in cases of complex image content. Therefore more emphasis has been put recently 
on semi-automated procedures, combining the human ability of image understanding with the numbercrunching 
capacity of computers. This has led to a number of promising approaches, some of which are briefly mentioned in this 
Progress on the research side is not matched yet by achievements in system development. Digital Stations are either 
providing only manual functions for information extraction, or the fully automated procedures show unstable 
One way to overcome the fundamental deficiencies in image understanding, which creates a serious obstacle towards 
successful automation, is simplification of the problem. This can be achieved by adding more and different kind of 
information to the primary data. Recently sensor and data fusion became relevant research topics. The integration of 
laser scans, existing DTMs, map and GIS data, hyperspectral and InSAR data shows very first promising results. 
However, when developing new approaches to object recording one should keep in mind that user specifications do not 
remain unchanged over time. We see already now an increased request for highresolution data. As an example, in 
central Europe there is already a remarkable demand for buildings with modeled overhanging roofs. Also, facility 
management applications require a detailed modelling of the interior of buildings. The requirements for high level of 
detail, both in terms of geometric and texture models, must lead to a critical evaluation of our extraction methods. 
CVIU, 1998: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 72, No.2, November, Special Issue on “Automatic 
Building Extraction from Aerial Images”, Guest Editors: Gruen A. and Nevatia R. 
Dan, H., 1996. Rekonstruktion generischer Gebäudemodelle aus Punktwolken und deren Abbildungskorrekturen in 
Orthobildern. Ph.D. Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Diss. ETH Nr. 1175, Published in 
Mitteilungen Nr. 60 of the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. 
Davies, E.R., 1990. Machine vision: theory, algorithms, practicalities. Academic Press. 
Debevec, P.E., Taylor, C.J., Malik, J.,1996. Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: A hybrid geometry- 
and image-based approach. SIGGRAPH 96, Computer Graphics Proceedings, pp. 11-20. 
Eidenbenz, Chr., Kaeser, Chr., Baltsavias, E., 2000. ATOMI - Automated reconstruction of Topographic Objects from 
aerial images using vectorized Map Information. Paper submitted to the XIXth Congress of the International 
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Amsterdam, 16-23 July. 
Foerstner, W., 1999. 3D-City models: Automatic and semi-automatic acquisition methods. Proceedings 
Photogrammetric Week *99, H. Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 291-304. 
Foerstner, W., Pluemer, L. (Editors), 1997. Semantic modeling for the acquisition of topographic information from 
images and maps. Proceedings of the Workshop *SMATI '97, Bonn Band Godesberg, 21-23 May, Birkhäuser 
Fischer, A., Kolbe, T.H., Lang, F., Cremers, A.B., Foerstner, W., Pluemer, L., Steinhage, V., 1998. Extracting buildings 
from aerial images using hierarchical aggregation in 2D and 3D. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 
Vol.72. No.2, November, pp. 195-203. 
Gruen, A., Baltsavias, E., Henricsson, O. (Editors), 1997. Automatic extraction of man-made objects from aerial and 
space images (IT), Workshop Proceedings, Monte Vérita, 4-9 May, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland. 
Gruen, A., Dan, H., 1997. TOBAGO - a topology builder for the automated generation of building models. Proceedings 
of the Monte Verità Workshop "Automatic extraction of man-made objects from aerial and space images" (II), 
(eds.: Gruen, Baltsavias, Henricsson), Birkháuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, Monte Vérita, 4-9 May, pp. 149-160. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 317 

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