Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

—1 . 
F'|g(o) |a] » 94 (a 9)5a(a. 9) (17) 
which, for reference convenience, is called angular phase correlation. The above mentioned hermitian symmetry of the 
Fourier transform makes possible estimating angle ¢ only within [-7/2, 7/2]. A simple way to extend the estimate 
beyond this limit is to backrotate the second image by « and qr and to subsequently use translational phase correlation 
in order to disambiguate the correct back rotation [7]. 
An algorithm for estimating rotational displacement q can be structured as follows: 
1) compute magnitudes M;(k,, ky), i = 1, 2, of the Fourier transforms in cartesian coordinates of the two 
images fi(x); 
ii) interpolate magnitudes M;(k, k,) on a polar grid in order to ob tain M;(k,, ko); 
iii) compute m;(k,, &) by means of equation (12); 
iv) evaluate functions L(o) and normalized product O(c); 
v) compute angular phase correlation q(0.); 
vi) estimate rotational angle « as the location of the highest peak in q(0,). 
In practice image noise and border effects will not lead to a perfectly impulsive function q(o,q). However extensive 
experimentation has shown that angular phase correlation functions q(o,q) exhibit a distinctive peak in correspondence 
of the true rotational angle ¢. Fig.2 shows functions q(o0,q) relative to the images of Fig.l: the estimates are very 
accurate. This kind of performance is typical of the proposed algorithm. 
As for the estimate of planar rotations, the angular phase correlation technique can be profitable used also for the 
estimate of the 3D motion of free-form surfaces. This procedure is based on the Fourier transform of the 3-D intensity 
function, implicitly described by the registered time-sequences of range data. With respect to memory occupancy, the 
use of a time-sequence of a 3-D intensity function represents a considerable data reduction with respect to a pair of 
time-sequences of 2-D functions. . 
Let /,(x), xe R°, be a 3-D object data and let (x) be a rigidly rotated version of /,(x) (these data can be obtained from 
registered range and intensity data captured at different times). An example of /,(x) and /(x) is depicted in Fig. 3. 
It can be shown that /,(x) and /;(x) relate as: 
Lx) =L(R"x~1) (18) 
where Re SO(3) , te R?, and SO(3) is the group of the 3x3 special orthogonal matrices. According to (18) I(x) is first 
translated by the vector t and then rotated by the matrix R. Denote as 
Lk) - Fli,G)|k]- [[[ 71,696 7" *ax (19) 
with k-[k,, k,, k,]" the 3-D Fourier transform of /,(x), i= 1,2; it is straightforward to prove that, similarly to 2D case, 
the two transforms are related as 
js gia T 
Lk)sZ QU kem (20) 
From (20) one sees that the translation t affetcs only phases and not magnitudes. Magnitudes are related as 
IL, (&)| » | QR ^K) Q1) 
and (21) can be used in order to determine R. Therefore in the frequency domain the estimation of R and t can be 
decoupled and one can estimate first R from (21) and t from (20), according to the following two passes procedure. 
322 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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