Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Hanke, Klaus 
The photogrammetric data acquisition was done using a calibrated small format camera as a light weight equipment, 
because the archaeological site is situated 2050 m above sea level and can only be reached on foot. The rock is about 
4 m high and lies on an area of about 8 x 7 meters. A number of 22 photos was needed to cover the object from all sides 
(figure 1). A bundle adjustment was calculated and overall 576 3D-points have been measured to represent the rock's 
surface. A 3D- wireframe model was built (see figure 2) and faces defined between the points of the surface. This 
surface proved to be very complex and so it was difficult to derive a contour representation of the rock. This was 
needed to later building a real solid model which should be shown in an exhibition of the archaeological site. Any 
automatic contour generation brought no satisfying results (see figure 3a and b)). So the only way was to generate 
explicitly the intersection curves of the 3D-model with horizontal planes (figure 3c). This procedure was done with the 
rendering software Autodesk 3D-Studio and led to the further used contours with an interval of 20 cm. 
Fig. 3: Contour representation of the rock from interpolation a) upper b) lower part and c) from intersection procedures 
The contours planes have then been cut out and mounted (see figure 4a) to give a realistic view of the rock shelter and 
its surrounding area. Smoothing and painting the model as well as adding small human figures and their equipment to 
the scene completed the representation of the site in a scale 1:10 (see figure 4b). 
Fig. 4 a) mounted contour model b) complete representation of the scene 
356 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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