Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Kölbl, Otto 
Figure 5 
The following article shows up a concept for an integrated 3D GIS data management system including the primary data 
acquisition. It is understood that this system was only partially sketched, many elements are still in development and it 
will still take some time until the final system has been elaborated. For the practician it might be of interest that many 
aspects for such a 3D-system are now available. The CAD system MicroStation is largely used and allows to go very far 
in the conception of a 3D GIS system. It is also important to state that this product allows to realise many aspects of 
virtual reality. Limits are only met when several objets within a scene should be moved or integrated with video 
sequences which can be solved by exporting the scenes to other software products. 
Schütz Marc, March 2000. Systéme d'information géographique 3D pour un inventaire architectural au Maroc. Travail 
pratique de diplóme, EPF-Lausanne, Dépt de génie rural, 93 p. 
Terrasse Henri, 1938. Kasbahs berbéres de l'Atlas et des oasis, Ed. des horizons de France, Paris, 136 p. 
452 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000.

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