Full text: XIXth congress (Part B5,1)

Boccardo, Piero 
An ancillary window (fig. 9) shows some image important parameters such as image size (lines and rows), frame 
number, selected pixel (and its image position) and geometric and radiometric characteristics of the above pixel (range, 
azimuth and polar angle, intensity). It is also possible to reference the inner system of the original image, associating to 
single cells, 3D previously surveyed coordinates; the software will perform a plane transformation in order to rectify the 
Status Panel 
Image Size: 444 x 1800 
Frame number Ü 
Selected Pixel 
Column 89 
Row 1330 
Range = 0.000 m <= 0.000 m 
Azimuth angle= 286.40 gon Y=0000m | 
Folar angle= 74.44 gon zz Dnm 
Intensity D. | 
Date/Time: 12/30/99 000 
Figure 9 — Staus panel 
2.1 Otto Wagner's Karlsplatz underground station 
In 1990 a small test object had been selected, photographed, measured and documented, in order to get a well-checked 
materials to train students and photogrammetrists as well as to evaluate internationally the results of the analytic 
photogrammetric amount of control information. The test object was Otto Wagner’s Stadtbahn Station buildings on the 
Karlsplatz in Vienna (fig. 10), a masterpiece of Art Nouveau, built in 1898-1899. 
Click on Scanner Positions for Range Images 
Figure 10 — Otto Wagner’s underground station in Figure 11 — Scanner taking positions 
Karlsplatz, Vienna 
2.2 Performed surveys and measurements 
This test field planned different acquisitions in order to reconstruct a 3D model of the underground station, leaving to 
future analysis a metric test of the image acquired by the laser-scanner LMS-Z210. In fig. 11 is shown a sketch of the 
different taking positions useful for 3D reconstruction. 
In the following figures are shown all the different 4 takings; the images are range measurements where pixels varying 
from orange to green represent closer to far points. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B5. Amsterdam 2000. 73 

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