Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Banzhaf, Ellen 
Landscape monitoring includes 
* the observation and evaluation of factors which have an influence on landscape, its state and dynamics, 
* the estimation and evaluation of such influencing factors, as well as 
* the prognosis and estimation showing the development of the state a landscape is in (Bastian & Schreiber 1999, 
Zierdt 1997). 
An integrative, spatially oriented landscape monitoring requires the entry of landscape's variety grown historically, 
landscape structure, substantial landscape functions, and also their consequences as for example land use modification, 
cutting, disperse settlement, modification in the spatial structure of a landscape as well as the loss of habitats. Such 
structural features of the terrestrial land cover are linked with a multiplicity of functions in direct or indirect manner. 
Landscape metrics can be taken as indicators to analyse, describe, and quantify patterns, compositions and 
configurations of a landscape type and its compartments (Turner 1990). 
In particular in the peri-urban cultural landscape nature is described by indicators such as structure (line or planar 
expansion, cutting, island areas, etc.), dynamics (entry of the modification processes) and texture (neighbourhood 
relations to other land use forms) (Netzband et al. 1999). This is based on the identification and computation of static 
and dynamic indicators that help providing a synthetic assessment of peri-urban landscapes. The indicators will also 
allow the comparison of the environment’s condition in different conurbations. The static indicator includes proportion 
of urban land uses at different points in time, of road network cutting land uses, but also of fragmenting recreational 
sites within metropolitan areas, and of built-up areas within green spaces in peri-urban areas. Dynamic urban area 
indicators refer to typology of changes and the transition from one land-use class to another. 
The landscape between the agglomerations of Leipzig and Halle (east Germany) is in a process of rapid transformation 
by anthropogene interventions often uncontrolled. Thus new landscape structures are established which enable new 
development and process cycles in the region. So far structural investigations referred to flora and fauna. With the 
available research concept criteria are to be compiled for the need of local recreation and for nature-referred 
prerequisites concerning the quality of life. 
Initially a detailed inventory of different examined areas should be executed dependent upon data availability and entry 
of the natural-space configuration as current as possible (e.g. nature protected areas, watercourses, wood, forest - / field 
proportion, cycle track configuration, etc.). On the basis of these empirical investigations indicators can be derived to 
evaluate landscape features, attractions and deficits regarding the following characteristics: 
nature space potential 
suitability for recreation 
aspect of nature protection 
aspect of culture protection 
* + + + 
The rapid change of running modifications and processes simultaneously require and enable the execution of a 
landscape monitoring. With latest methods and geo-information data an important contribution can be made in 
particular to monitor and evaluate developments being carried out. The landscape monitoring dedicates itself to the 
check and the prognosis of state and dynamics from natural to technical ecological systems (Banzhaf 1999). It refers to 
landscape components such as vegetation and soil cover, land use and spatial landscape structure (Bastian & Schreiber 
During the last ten years landscape structure indices have started to be implemented on remote sensing image data at 
different mapping scales. As original input data topographic maps, aerial photos as well as satellite images have been 
used. Thus the analysis of historical samples represents the basis for the comparison with current as well as with 
possible future landscape structures and allows predication about the dynamics of a certain landscape type. A 
methodological approach is presented, after which monitoring and evaluation of a landscape diversity in peri-urban 
landscapes are feasible on the basis of high resolution satellite data. 
4.1 Test Areas 
Two areas are to be investigated with respect to the sustainable development of a culture landscape in the urban- 
regional field of tension. One example is taken in the new “Bundesländer” of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the 
120 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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