Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Batistella, Mateus 
Haines-Young, R. and Chopping, M., 1996. Quantifying landscape structure: a review of landscape indices and their 
application to forested landscapes. Progress in Physical Geography, 20(4), pp. 418-445. 
IBGE, 1996. Acervo de dados agregados: contagem da populacáo. IBGE, Brasília, http://www.ibge.gov.br. 
INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, 1996. Projeto PRODES. INPE, Sáo José dos Campos, CD-ROM 
Laurance, W. F., and Bierregaard Jr., R. O. (eds.), 1997. Tropical forest remnants: ecology, management, and 
conservation of fragmented communities. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp.502-514. 
McCracken, S., Brondizio, E. S., Nelson, D., Moran, E. F., Siqueira, A. D., and Rodriguez-Pedraza. C., 1999. Remote 
sensing and GIS at farm property level: demography and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing, 65(11), pp. 1311-1320. 
McGarigal, K., and Marks, B. J., 1995. Fragstats: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Quantifying Landscape 
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Research Station, Portland, 122p. 
Miranda, E. E. de, and Mattos, C., 1993. Machadinho d'Oeste: de colonos a munícipes na floresta tropical de Rondónia. 
Ecofor¢a/Embrapa-NMA, Campinas, 154p. 
Miranda, E. E. de, Mangabeira, J. A. de C., Mattos, C., and Dorado, A. J., 1997. Perfil agroecológico e sócio- 
económico de pequenos produtores rurais: o caso de Machadinho d'Oeste (RO) em 1996. Ecoforça/Embrapa- 
NMA, Campinas, 117p. 
Moran, E. F., and Brondizio, E. S., 1998. Land-use change after deforestation in Amazônia. In: Liverman, D., Moran, E. 
F., Rindfuss, R. R., and Stern, P. C. People and pixels, linking remote sensing and social science. National 
Academy Press, Washington, pp.94-120. 
Moran, E. F., Ostrom, E., and Randolph, J. C., 1998. A multilevel approach to studying global environmental change in 
forest ecosystems. Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analisys, Bloomington, 25p. 
National Research Council, 1998. Global Environmental Change: Research Pathways for the Next Decade. National 
Research Council, Washington DC, pre-publication copy. 
Oliveira-Filho, F. J. B. and Metzger, J. P., 1999. Patterns of deforestation and landscape dynamic in the north of Mato 
Grosso (Brazilian Amazon). In: IALE - International Association for Landscape Ecology (1999). Landscape 
ecology, the science and the action. IALE, Snowmass Village, Proceedings of the 5? World Congress. 
Pedlowski, M. A., 1999. O papel do Banco Mundial na formulacáo de políticas páblicas e sustentacáo do Estado na 
Amazónia Brasileira. O caso de Rondónia. Cadernos do IPPUR, submitted. 
Skole, D., and Tucker, C. J., 1993. Tropical deforestation and habitat fragmentation in the Amazon: satellite data from 
1987 to 1988. Science, 260, pp.1905-1910. 
Soares Filho, B. S., 1998. Modelagem da dinámica de paisagem de uma regiáo de fronteira de colonizaçäo amazônica. 
EPUSP, Sáo Paulo, 299p. 
Turner, M. G., Gardner, R. H., and O'Neill, R. V., 1995. Ecological dynamics at broad scales; ecosystems and 
landscapes. Bioscience Supplement, pp.29-33. 
Wilson, E. O. (ed.), 1988. Biodiversity. Washington. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 155 

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