Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Abdalla Fadl Elmula, Isam Eldin 
=o = 1 Sa'ata 
60 — 2€ -- x - 2 Hillat Sa'id I 
Le ett —a— 3 Abu ku' 1 
= om 4 Addibeib: 
50 — ddibeibat 1 
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% of increase of cultivated area 
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1958 1972 1984 1 
Years EE 
. Fig. 1: A graph showing the increase of cultivated area relative to the total training area 1 
4. Discussion: SG 
The study provides a rich information about the land use/land cover change that has happened in the area since the year B t 
1958, through the year 1972, and up to the period after the drought of 84-1985. 
Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 showed generally an increase of the cultivated area through the three imaged periods, and the Ta 
vegetated (forest) areas were decreasing. In table 2, which explains the land use situation at the first subset (Sa'ata 
Ezzarqa), the amount of the total area of the subset is 213207.50 hectares. Of this area about 22736.89 hectares were In ti 
cultivated (or destructed) in 1958, giving a percentage of 10.66% of the total area. On the year 1972, the total cultivated dest 
area was 34402.14 hectares giving a percentage of 16.1496. The last period after the drought of 84- 1985, the total year 
cultivated area was 85384.84 hectares, giving a percentage of 40.05% of the total area. These records show a change drou 
(increase) of the destructed area of 11665.25 hectares, giving an annual change of 833.23 hectares through the period Nya 
1958-1972 (14 years), with an annual percentage of change (increase) of 0.39% over the whole training area. For the con 
period 1972-1985 (13 years) the change is 50982.7 hectares, giving an annual change of 3921.75 hectares during these diss 
13 years, with an annual percentage of change of 1.84% over the whole training area. This is shown on table 6 below: Kho 
Range of | Cult. area | Cult. Cult. Areain | No. of | Amount of | Annual % of annual u^ 
time in 1958 Area in 1972 | 1985 years change (hect.) change change lie. 
(hect.) (hect.) (hect.) (hect.) 
1958- 2276.89 34402.14 14 11665.25 883.23 0.39% 
1972 The 
1972- 34402.14 85384.84 13 50982.70 3021.75 1.8496 ane 
1985 area 
Table 6: Annual change of the destructed areas at Sa'ata Ezzerqa area in 
The amounts of change for the other three training areas (Hillat Sa'id, Abu Ku', and Addibeibat) with the percentages of 
the annual change are shown below in tables 7, 8, and 9 respectively. 
Range of | Cult. area | Cult. Cult. area in No. of | Amount of | Annual % of annual 
time in 1958 Area in 1972 | 1985 years change (hect.) change change 
(hect.) (hect.) (hect.) (hect.) 
1958-1972 | 36451.2 61679.53 14 2322727 1802.12 0.9% 
1972-1985 61679.53 92114.51 13 30434.98 2341.15 1.24% 
Table 7: Annual change of the destructed area at Hillat Sa'id area 
16 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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