Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Camit, Rex 
still be detected even in highly vegetated areas in a volcanic terrain. This approach relies heavily on strained vegetation 
caused by seepage of thermal fluids at surficial levels. 
The results of this study suggest the need to probe the established Hugpa anomaly to the west and Mainit-Mahalo 
anomaly to the NE. The current location of drilling pad C is preferred here to target the former anomaly where deep- 
seated NW-trending faults dissect the western Hugpa crater (Figure 5). However, the next well (site D) should be 
located east of Mt. Cantodoc (~1.5 kilometers east of Mt. Cantodoc) in proximity to the latter anomaly where NE to 
ENE fault sets predominate. These drilling strategies will validate this study's model of an upflow origin within the 
vicinities of Mts. Cabalian, Cantodoc Tamar. 
This study dealt with the concept of integrating remote sensing and geographic information system. Use of the 
imageries (i.e. Landsat TM and SAR) refined the previous structural interpretations and established its relationships 
with SLGP thermal manifestations. Primary and secondary permeability controls (i.e. hostrocks/lithologic contacts and 
faults) were important factors that influenced the hydrothermal system at SLGP. This study favors the existence of more 
than one geothermal system (i.e. Cabalian, Cantodoc and Tamar system). 
Bayon, F.E.B. 1996. Geochemistry of surface thermal features in the Southern Leyte geothermal project, Philippines. 
PNOC EDC Internal Report. 
Bureau of Energy Development-Electroconsult (BED-ELC) 1979. Inventory of the thermal areas in the Philippines. 
Philippine-Italian Technical Cooperation on Geothermics stage II, Annex-I, 50 pp. 
Catane, J.P.L. and Apuada, N.A. 1998. Geophysical investigations at Mt. Cabalian, Southern Leyte geothermal project. 
PNOC EDC Internal Report. 
Leynes, R.D. and Bien, O.C. 1998. Geology of well SL-1D, Southern Leyte geothermal project, PNOC EDC Internal 
Leynes, R.D., Bayon, F.E. and Camit, R.A. 1997. The geology and geochemistry of the Southern Leyte geothermal 
project (SLGP). Proceedings of the 18^ PNOC EDC Geothermal Conference. 
Leynes, R.D., Camit, R.A. and Villarosa, H.A. 1996. The geology of Southern Leyte geothermal project. PNOC EDC 
Internal Report. 
Los Baños, C.F. 1998. 1-D interpretation of magnetotelluric data from Southern Leyte geothermal project, Philippines. 
Proceedings of the 19" PNOC EDC Geothermal Conference. 
PNOC EDC 1989. Geoscientific exploration and evaluation of the Mt. Cabalian geothermal prospect, Southern Leyte. 
PNOC EDC Unpublished Internal Report, 106 pp. 
Ramos, S.G., Zaide-Delfin, M.C. and Hayashi, M. 1998. Stratigraphic correlation in Mt. Labo, Mt. Canlaon and Mt. 
Cabalian geothermal areas using fission-track, thermoluminescence and zircon morphology. Proceedings of the 19" 
PNOC EDC Geothermal Conference. 
Rosell, J.B. and Delfin, M.C.Z. 1997. A preliminary summary of well SL-1D petrology, PNOC EDC Internal Report. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 227 

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