Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Cendrero, Antonio 
Dep| Deposit | Mtwy| No. Area |Depth| Volume | Price |Maximum Corrected 
type |description| alt. 1 |Pixels| — (m?) (m) (m) |(€/m°)| Value (€) | D | A | value (€) 
Nil surface 
Z+Mtwy | Z deposit | Mtwy | 79 179,500 2 359,000 0 0 - | - - 
Nil surface 
Z+ no 7 deposit No |12641|31,602,500| 2 _|63.205,000| 0 0 - | - - 
Csm + Mtwy |Csm | Silty sands | Mtwy | 3 7,500 3 22,500 | 23.92 | 538,200 |0.5]0.04] 10,764 
Csm+no |Csm | Silty sands | No 625 162,500 3 487,500 | 23.92 |11,661,000| - | - - 
Cgp + Mtwy |Cgp| Gravel |Mtwy| 3 7,500 4 30,000 | 10,37 | 311,100 0.50.02] 3,111 
Cgp+no |Cgp| Gravel no 132 | 330,000 4 1,320,000 | 10,37 [13,688,400] - | - - 
R+no R |Mixedspoil| no 17 42,500 3.5 148,750 0 0 -|-e - 
Table 1. Example of theapplication of the deposits database to impact calculation. 
Impacts for deposit i: 
Ii = Volume x pricex Ax Dx Hx R 
A; coefficient depending on relative abundance (0 - 1) 
D; coefficient depending on the distance to nearest road (0-1) 
H; coefficient depending on the population in the surroundings (0-1) 
R; coefficient which depends on the reversibility of action (0 -1) 
Total Impact = Eli 
The maximum potential value and the corrected value for the area in the map, on the basis of A and D are shown in 
table 1. H and R are constant for the study area or dependent on the type of action. Evaluation of the significance of 
impacts can be made by means of a comparison with the price increase for supply from alternative sources. 
Figure 4. Map obtained crossing map of 
high natural value units, SGIs map and 
alternatives map. SGIs; 81: folded structure, 
49: pillow lava, 42: terrace sequence. High- 
natural value units; 25: protected area 
Udalaitz ; 36: protected area Valle de 
Haranerreka . 
Figure 3. Map obtained crossing surface deposits, 
regolith thicknes and alternatives maps. 
A) alternative 1; B) alternative 2. 
4.2 High-productivity and high-natural value units 
Destruction of, or damage to these units (Fig. 4) directly reduces the natural capital and biodiversity of an area. 
Impacts are measured on the basis of total and relative area affected. The significance of this reduction can be 
246 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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