Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

da Costa, Sandra 
Slope Map - Urban Perimeter, Sáo José dos Campos Municipality 
/N/ Rivers 
/N/ Urban perimeter 
0to 5 
15 to 40 
BN 41 to 60 
EN - 60 
3000 3000 Kilometers 
Figure 5. Slope map 
Year 0? up to 5^ 6^ up to 15? 16° up to 40° 41° up to 60° > 60° 
1953 83.6 15.5 0.90 0 0 
1962 86.0 132 0.80 0 0 
1973 86.6 12.7 0.70 0 0 
1985 80.13 18.13 1,72 0.01 0.01 
1997 73.6 24.1 2.30 0 0 
The evaluation of the environment, produced in this paper, did not use many physical parameters like geology, 
geomorphology, drainage, vegetation, and so on but it is just a part of a research that is beginning and expect to analyze 
all these information in a combined approach. By now, it was possible to understand the urban growth behavior and 
briefly considering its relation with the slope. 
In this context, it made clear that the urban perimeter was defined according to the topography, that did not put the 
occupation conflicting to that. So, this paper shows that more than 93% of the area has an adequate site, in topography 
point of view, and that the urban area has growth to the best sites. 
The research, when concluded, will try to evaluate the relation between urban occupation and environment, considering 
all important parameters, and analyze the social - economic parameters in this context, using, as much as possible, 
Table 2 - Relation Between Urban Area and Slope (% of occupation) 
geotechnologies, which has been demonstrated as an important tools to decision makers. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
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