Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Dalati, Moutaz 
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Figure 1. Shows the location of the area under study north-west of Syria 
» The investigations were carried out on the basis of multispectral data of the Landsat MSS, TM, which covers the 
investigated area. The interpretation of space data shows that El-Rouge depression represents a flat depression with a 
closed drainage covered on the surface with Quaternary sediments. In the north the depression is divided into two 
branches with the Jabal Barisha horst-anticline situated between them, the latter is similar to the Jabal El-Wastani 
structure and composed of lineaments. The Jabal Barisha horst-anticline enters the region of the explorations only by 
its southern periclinal closure. The Jabal El-Wastani horst-anticline is a fold with an echelon-like squeeze of the bend 
to the south-east of the village of Darkoush. The fold has a gently sloping, almost horizontal arch and steeply dipping 
limbs. The dip of the beds on the limbs reaches in the southern up to 45°. The anticline is dissected by a system of 
longitudinal ( submeridional ) and diagonal faults, along which individual blocks composed of lineaments were 
uplifted at various heights. The conjugation with the neighboring trough a steep bend of beds and accompanied by 
faults. This indicates a horst nature of the structure. Its apex as a whole gently dips to the north. In the south it 
terminates with a steep periclinal closure at the branching of the Al-Ghab depression. 
The visual interpretation of space images MSS and TM Landsat-5 presents good results, because the human eye is 
able to discriminate much more colors than Grey tones. Figure (3) shows a geometrical representation of the RGB 
space, where one color can be specified by its three-dimensional coordinates, however , the color display coordinate 
system can also be defined by three independent and orthogonal parameters, named Intensity ( I ) Hue ( H ), and 
Saturation(S). In this case, Intensity considers the total energy of the image ( brightness ), Hue is the color sensation 
wavelength (average ) and saturation is the relative index of the color purity ( percentage of white light ). The 
attributes of IHS express another type of color perception since they can be manipulated in a controlled way 
providing a quantitative image interpretation. Being so, it is necessary to decompose the IHS attributes of the image, 
considering them individually, in opposition to the RGB space, which allows only simultaneous changes at the IHS 
parameters. In this paper, the triangular coordinates were used ( Hayden et al 1992 ) to test the usefulness of the IHS 
transformation (figure 4.) 
302 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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