Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

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Figure 2.[—73» [*7» (3s LE En F7 7 
Figure 2. shows : 
1-region of relatively stable uplift ( the uplift of An-Nusseiriyeh and the North — Western Syrian block) ; 2- region of 
the marginal part of the platform disturbed by Alpine movements with possible allochthonous occurrence of rocks 
belonging to the ophiolitic formation ( the bassit block : a Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary complex , b — the ophiol- 
itic formation, c- rock complex of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene age ) ; 3- Neogene depressions filled with marine 
deposits ; 4- Pliocene troughs filled with continental deposits ; 5- Upper Miocene basalts ; 6- Pliocene basalts and tuff 
breccias ; 7- boundaries of depressions and troughs ; 8- contours of anticlines and synclines ; 9- fualts of deep-seated 
occurrence ; 10- faults ; 11- faults supposeddly seated under Pliocene deposits ; 12- overthrusts ; 13- flexures ; 14- 
anticline folds ( linear, asymmetric) ; 15- coffer-shaped anticline folds, horst-anticlines ; 16- volcanoes of pliocene 
age ; 17- stocks of Pliocene basic rocks ; 18- volcanic vents of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age ; 19- structure 
contours along the floor of Cretaceous age ; 20- structure contours along the floor of the Campanian ;21- structure 
contours along the floor of Middle Eocene deposits ; 22- structure contours along the floor of Helvetian layer deposits 
Key to figures on the map ( in circles ) : 
1- the western limb of the An-Nusseiriyeh uplift ; 2- the Al-Ghab depression; 3- the Jabal El-Wastani horst-anticline ; 
4- the El-Rouge depression ; 5- the Jabal Barish horst-anticline ; 6- the Missyaf graben ; 7- the Ma'arret An-No'man 
anticlinal projection ; 8- the Hama anticlinal projection ; 9- the Asharneh trough ; 10- the Idlib depression ; 11- the 
Nahr ( river ) El-Kabir depression ; 12- the Qesel Dagh peridotite massif ; 13- the Bassit massif of peridotites ; 14- 
the south —eastern massif of peridotites ; 15- the Lebanon-Syrian fault ; 16- the Lattakia fault . 
Lineaments reflecting the regional tectonic trend were all clearly displayed on the Landsat-TM imagery as straight to 
curvilinear topographic breaks. These lineaments are associated mainly with ridges, valleys, and drainage features. It 
was found that terrain elements were, in general, more readily distinguishable on the TM imagery than with MSS 
data, although, almost all the same features could be detected on both types imagery. According to these 
investigations, the viewing geometry of spaceborne is an important consideration in discrim-inating the lineaments 
and structural features on Remote Sensing imagery. 
Compared with MSS-data, the TM-data gives more information about structures less than 5 km in length. This means 
that TM ( Figure 5 ) can provide considerably more information about Lineaments than MSS. The fact that TM has 
more spectral bands than MSS means that certain structural features are more easily detected than by conventional 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 303 

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