Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

de Bie, Kees 
bud-dormancy breaking agent, e.g. potassium nitrate (as a spray). The technology 
was successfully used to produce off-season fruit at high gross-margins. 
Pruning of mango trees is not common, but practiced in Phrao to remove 
branches that are affected by stemboring caterpillars. Pending on its timing, 
pruning induces a new growth flush, and possibly fruits the year after. 
Weeding by tractor is a management aspect that indirectly seems to influence the 
hormonal balance of trees. Weeding by tractor is done by ploughing-in the weeds 
and results in cutting sub-surface mango roots; it must thus be labeled as root- 
pruning. This practice restricts water and nutrient uptake and if done at the 
appropriate time in the tree’s physiological cycle, results in more prolific flowering 
and better yields (Subhadrabandhu 1990, Sauco 1989). 
In Thailand, the price of pesticides is high so that most growers cannot afford 
adequate pest control (Polprasid 1986). Only Azodrin (monocrotophos) proved 
effective, even when not applied by motor sprayer. The high efficiency of motor 
sprayers to apply pesticides into the canopy is proven beyond doubt. 
Bf in fully grown orchards weeding takes place by 
Ef the ability exists to apply supplementary irrigation 
L1If the top-soil has a relatively high pH 
El Combined effect of 'pruning* motor spraying' 
Elf Azodrin is used to control caterpillars 
Li Combined effect of 'location' 
Mango Yield '000 Bath/ha 
Biennial bearing behavior of mango 
Ed Actual average yield 
45 Orchards 
Figure 13. Yield constraints of mango orchards in Phrao (1993 
The specialized management requirements of mango orchards require not only a 
high level of knowledge and experience by farmers but also a well-informed 
extension service. Close(r) collaboration between this service and researchers of 
universities and research stations is strongly recommended. 
338 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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