Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Erian, Wadid 
The result illustrated that only 51.25 96 of the total studied area are deep to very deep soils, 20.69 % of the 
studied area is moderately deep soils, and 28.06 % of the total area are shallow to very shallow soils. The 
study also illustrates that more than 6.5 % of the area drying in less than 13 days from irrigation and 74.69% 
are keeping a relatively enough water content after 18 days from irrigation. And 37.56 % of the studied area 
has strong to very strong salinity with EC (1:1) more than 8 dS/m and 26.30 % have EC (1:1) less than 4 
3.3. Crossing: 
The crossing technique was applied in the following order to the rated maps: The effective soil 
depths, soil salinity and drought using ILWIS (2.2), GIS capabilities. According to Erian, et al (1999) the 
produced capability map scale is suitable for the village level survey interpretation. The resulted scale is a 
function to the minimum mappable area of the produced map. Elbersen (1985), identified that if the 
minimum mappable area is of about 3.12 ha (= 7.4 feddan), the publication scale can reach 1:50,000 
corresponding to the semi detailed soil survey level. Such map could be successfully used for the soil survey 
interpretation on the village level. 
The resulted map was crossed with the village’s map is shown in Table (6). The result were than grouped 
into 3 main groups where the group (1) represents the soils with the minimum limitations (class “1” and 
“2”) , group(2) represents the marginal level for limitations (class “3”) and the last group represents the 
severe limitations ( class “4 “and “5””) as shown in Figure. (4). 
Rated effective soil depth 
Y Y Y Y Y 
di d2 d3 d4 d5 
pz dl,zml,z1 d2,m1,z1 d3,ml,z1 | ml < 
z2 2 2 
: M» dim2.22 d2,m2,72 d3,m2.72 m "+ 
= — = dl,m3,z3 | d2m373 | d3:m3,73 uel. I 
o : c 
© D 
> 4 x 
z mw m: 
3 à 
Lp Z5 ms «- 
Groupl Non to Slightly limitation ( 19,944 feddan = 26.77% of the total area) 
Group2 | Marginal limitation (30,098 feddan = 40.40% of the total area) 
Severe to Very Severe limitation (24,457 feddan = 32.83% of the total area) 
Figure (4) Decision making of grouped classes 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 415 

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