Florinsky, Igor
Turkey appeared from the satellite images to be 60% larger than from the secondary data collected
from governmental statistics. Another example of dubious secondary data is from Pakistan, where
different soil salinity surveys resulted in more than 500 % between the lowest and the highest estimate
of soil salinity occurrence in Pakistan. It is obvious that if such type of secondary data is used in
establishing intra-basin water cooperations, disputes and conflicts can potentially worsen and trust
will fade away.
The spatial resolutions of satellites can be divided roughly into 3 categories. Low resolution satellites
have a spatial resolution of typical 1 km, and this category is most promising for surveying large
basins. More candidate sensors will be launched in the future, and a summary is presented in Table 1.
High resolution satellites have a spatial resolution in the range between 20 to 30 m. They give a high
degree of spatial detail, but their return period is with 15 to 25 days not suitable for concurrent
monitoring. Cloud formation can wipe out acquisitions easily, so that data is not acquired for
elongated periods. More recently, there is a third category of earth observing satellites that is
operational with a spatial resolution of 1 to 5 m. These fleet of satellites is particular useful for
sensing cartographical features and civil works.
Satellite | Radiometer | Spatial resolution | Temporal resolution | Total bands Spectral region
NOAA AVHRR 1.1 km 0.5 days S VIS, NIR, TIR
Envisat AATSR 1.0 km 1 day 18 VIR, NIR, TIR
Envisat MERIS 1.0 km 3 days 15 VIS, NIR
TERRA | MODIS 250 m to 1.0 km 1 to 2 days 36 VIS, NIR, TIR
Table 1: Operational low resolution satellites and radiometers suitable for monitoring hydrological
processes in vast international river basins
The public character of satellite data entitles different user categories to use this data. With raw
satellite data on the Internet, states are no longer be able to conceal field conditions to their fellow
basin states. Several space agencies are now opening international and freely accessible databases
with raw or first order processes satellite images. Data from an international fleet of sensors can be
found in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). Eight Data Active
Archive Centres (DAAC's) representing a wide range of Earth science disciplines are operational
under NASA to process, archive and distribute EOSDIS data. The Earth Resources Observation
System (EROS) Data Center of the USGS provides in addition access to land processes data from
both satellite and aircraft platforms. A WWW interface enables you to search for, browse and order
earth science data. It is a new policy to keep prices of images low, so that satellite information
becomes everybody’s business. Some examples of internationally opened satellite databases can be
found at http://www.saa.noaa.gov, http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov or http://modis@nsidcdaac, to mention a
few. There are no restrictions on the use, reprocessing or redistribution of the satellite data made
available through the USGS and NASA. Some satellite data are entirely free, for others preprocessing
costs have to be covered from purchases.
This opens complete new opportunities to study the hydrological process, water resources depletion,
food security and environmental development in international river basins. It opens a new protocol
where central governmental bodies and internationally controlling agencies get united information.
Remotely sensed information has a public domain status, and everybody listed in Fig. 2 can have
access to raw satellite information. Federal Governments and the UN can inspect land and water
resources management issues, either by hiring their own experts or by involving commercial
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 443