Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Alkema, Dinand 
Val di Non o5 
Monte Corona 
‘Monte. Paganella Fi : 1 
E «Foto 
Monte Callisio 
Industrial area M 
Co Urban areas 2 
Alluvial fant 
Fig. 3: Schematic map of the area 
Geomorphologic system 
The Adige valley is an old North-South oriented glacial 
valley with steeps slopes on both sides. The valley 
plain consists of alluvial sediments that were deposited 
after the glacier’s retreat. On the western slopes of high 
and nearly vertical dolomite cliffs, the presently active 
geomorphologic processes are mostly  hydro- 
gravitational related: rock-fall and debris-flows. On the 
less steep eastern slope the processes are mostly related 
to fluvial activity (down-cutting, erosion) and to slope 
activity (landslides, soil-slips). On the alluvial plain, 
the major geomorphologic actors are the river Adige 
and the Avisio river. The Adige is a highly dynamic 
river with an average discharge of about 200 cubic 
meter per second (at Trento), but during floods this 
number can rise to over 1000 m’/s. The river can 
respond very quickly to meteorological events. To 
protect the plain from regular flooding the river has 
been constrained in its activities by numerous 
mitigation measures, of which dykes on both sides are 
the most visible ones. Floods pose the major risk on the 
people living and working on the floodplain. 
The database of the Italian National Research Council 
(CNR-IRPI) gives a overview of historic events of 
slope-instability and floods in Trento 
As stated before, one of the most important steps in the geomorphologic assessment is the identification of the critical 
subsystems. For the Trento case-study, floods were identified as the most critical geomorphologic process. 
The objective of this case-study is to show how the construction a large human-made linear structure will interact with 
the flood-propagation on the plain in case of a dyke-failure and if such an interaction will increase the risk. 
Flood modelling 
To assess the dynamics of the interaction between the 
new motorway and flooding, the required tool is a 
flood propagation model. For this study the 
propagation model Delft-FLS was used (Stelling, 
This model needs the following input data (required): 
a detailed digital terrain model (DTM); 
the Q-h relation; 
a time-series of discharge and water level; 
location of dyke failure; 
e bottom friction map; 
e infiltration map. 
Figure 5 illustrates how this data was obtained from the 
integrated dataset. 
Fig. 5. Overview of how the data was obtained. 
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58 : International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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