Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

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Anrong, Dang 
Furthermore, based on the spatial data of regionalization scheme and the integrated database of spatial and attribute, the 
quantitative characteristics such as natural resources, social and economic resources, production condition, and grain 
productivity of each region can be calculated and listed in regional statistical tables (omitted). And the existent 
problems of current grain production and development measure of future grain production in each region can be 
analyzed and worked out as regional description report (omitted). 
First Class Region Subclass Region 
Code Region Name Code Region Name 
1 Northeast region of soybean, r1 Xsn-anlin moun 18gion 
maize, and spring wheat 12 Nosthea se plain fegion 
13 Changbai mountain region 
2 Inner Mongolia and Great Wall 21 Inner Mongolia plateau region 
region of maize and spring wheat 22 Great Wall along region 
31 Loess hill plateau region 
3 Loess Plateau region of winter 32 Loess platform plateau region 
wheat and maize 33 Fen-wei river valley region 
34 Taihang mountain region 
41 Mountain foot plain region 
4 Huang-huai-hai region of winter 42 Low-lying plain region 
wheat, maize, and soybean 43 Peninsula hills region 
44 Huang-huai plain region 
51 South Henan lower mountain 
and plain region 
52 Middle and lower reach of 
Middle and lower reach of Yangtse River region 
5 Yangtse River region of double or 53 South Yangtse River hill and 
single-cropping rice and soybean Mountain region 
54 Nanlin mountain and hill region 
$5 Zhe-Min hill and mountain region 
61 Qin-Ba mountain region 
6 Southwest region of double- 62 Sichuan basin region 
cropping rice and maize 63 Chuan-E mountain region 
64 Yun-Gui plateau region 
71 South Yunan plateau region 
South China region of 72 South Guangxi mountain region 
7 double-cropping nice 73 Yue-Min seashore region 
74 Hainan island region 
75 Taiwan island region 
8 Gansu-Xinjiang region of T NO Anhang en 
; : outh Xinjiang region 
spring wheat and maize 83 Meng-Gan region 
91 North Tibet plateau region 
9 Qinghai-Tibet plateau region 92 Qing-Gan transition region 
of highland barley and wheat 93 Brahmaputra valley region 
94 Chuan-Zang plateau region 
Table 2. Regionalization scheme of China’s grain production system 
Agricultural Regionalization Committee of China, 1989. Natural resources and regionalization of China agriculture. 
Beijing, China Agriculture Press, pp.10-120. 
Dang Anrong, Yan Shouyong, Xiao Chunsheng, 1998. GIS application research on China's grain production. Beijing, 
China Agricultural Scientech Press, pp.181-202. 
Deng Jingzhong, 1982. Some issues on comprehensive agricultural regionalization in China. Scientia Geographica 
Sinica, 1(1), pp.9-17. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 75 

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