Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,1)

Araujo, Luciana Spinelli 
All this behavior (Figure 2) may be explained by 
higher proportion of shade in the primary forest area, 
due to the structural variation of the canopy, causing oss 
lower spectral response in relation to the areas in the a 
secondary succession process, specifically in band 4 0,45 4 
of TM (near infrared portion). A different 
photosynthetic capacity among several individuals, à oss. T 
which compose the several stratum of primary e 
forest, has different effects in the spectral response > 
in band 3 (red portion) of TM, when compared to 9 025 
secondary vegetation cover. 
Concerning to savanna areas, it is observed that is : 
impossible to distinguish intra-classes, with standard ips 
deviation values occupying the same attributes space, Pr . 7 7 
either for grass/shrub savanna and park savanna. The sr PS ses 
charact e ri sti co f p a rk sav a i s com p ose d by few PF -Primary ForestSF -Secondary Forest PS -Park Savanna SGS -ShrubGrass Savanna 
arboreal individuals sparsely distributed over a grass  ,.. o i 
stratum, which causes a certain similarity in the Figure 2. Mean digital values and standard deviation extracted 
spectral response with the grass/shrub savanna, in from SAVI 0.5 image according to the vegetation cover types. 
this kind of synthetic image. 
The construction of simple regression model, with a linear function, permitted to observe the high relationship of SAVI 
values with biomass of forest formation, which model is expressed as: Biomass = 419.64 - 797.27 (SAVI). It is 
important register that the presented model represents the condition of undisturbed primary forest, as well as with some 
degradation, identified in the samples inventoried in the fieldwork. In these forested areas (Figure 3 a), the significant 
correlation coefficient (r* = 0.80) demonstrates that the most part of biomass variable can be explained by the SAVI 
values, on the contrary of savanna formation (Figure 3 b) with low correlation coefficient (r? ^ 0.16), represented by a 
following expression: Biomass — 0.2531 + 38.8 (SAVI). 
(a) (b) 
200 Br 
"s Biomass = 419.64 - 797.27 (SAVI) jo | Biomass = 0.2531+38.8(SAVD — *, 
= = = 2= 0.1622 
S 150 | . 2= 0.8001 = 2= 0. 
8 6 8 9| 
S S 
= 100 6 
a % 
5 S d 
3 91 = >. 
= © = 
0 u T T T 0 T ud T T T 
0,3 0,35 04 0,45 0,5 0,55 005 0,075 0,1 0,125 015 . 0175 0,2 
Savi_0.5 Savi 0.5 
€ Primary Forest O Secondary Forest € Park Savanna © Grass/shrub Savanna 
Figure 3. Scatterplot relating SAVI values with: (a) forest biomass and (b) savanna biomass. 
The analysis of the confusion matrix corresponding to the classification of SAVI (L — 0.5) image demonstrates that 
there is a more difficulty for discriminating between classes of savanna. For instance, 33% of the classified areas as 
grass/shrub savanna occupy in the synthetic image, the same attributes space of park savanna. The primary and 
secondary forest areas are better discriminated, presenting a classification error no greater than 8%. The analysis of 
classification performance was performed using 30 test samples, spatially distributed in the several vegetation cover 
types found within the study area. Firstly, with the identification of all 8 thematic classes (primary forest, regrowth, 
park savanna, grass/shrub savanna, pasture, bare soil, water, and unclassified) a kappa coefficient of 0.74 was found for 
the thematic classification of the study area. The kappa coefficient increased to 0.88 due to the combination of both 
park savanna and grass/shrub savanna in just one class (Figure 4) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 79 

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