Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Nguyen Dinh, Duong 
Class Land Cover Category Characteristic Spectral Curve Invariants for 
Code (without thermal Infrared channel) Classification 
Vegetation with 70 — 100% M8 
91 coverage: m R34 0 0.34 
T 320 
Broad leaf forest 100 H 180 360 
Vegetation with 70 — 100% M8 
94 coverage: "m D15 14.5 100 
R34 0 0.42 
Mangrove forest sos T 320 
H 30 180 
> S020 
Vegetation with 30 — 50% M 26 
73 coverage: 150 R34 0 0.57 
D45 -5 5 
Needle leaf forest s D16 0 16.5 
. NEN H 180 360 
44 Non-biotic cover: M 24 
m T 20 55 
Construction D16 12 24 
100 H 285 328 
NaN S815 
11 Water: M0 
so T3 16 
Clear water H 0 60 
" S 28 60 
Table 3. Example of digital definition for some land cover categories based on proposed image invariants 
The actual number of invariants used for the description of a land cover class varies from class to class. An example of 
definition for a mangrove forest is: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 989 

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