Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Nigam, Rajeev 
Vegetation mapping using interpretation of satellite remote sensing data 
provides qualitative characteristics of vegetation and can be adjusted to the 
requirements/objectives of the survey (Kuchler, 1988a, 1988b). It has been observed that 
topographical data would help in detailed classification of vegetation types which are 
controlled by altitude and aspect. William and Nelson (1986) have discussed use of 
remotely sensed data for assessing forest stand conditions in eastern United States. 
Structural variations in plant communities modulates spectral signatures, thus remote 
sensing data give basis to describing qualitative characters of community structure 
(Thomas et al., 1993). 
Location and Area 
The Kurukshetra district lies between 29°54°30” and 30°15°10” North 
latitude and 76° 27° 0” and 77°7°0” East longitude . On its north lies the district of 
Ambala and Patiala district of Punjab state. Patiala district boundary is extended upto 
the north west. To its west and south west is the district of Jind, Karnal district lies on its 
south and south east. Yamuna river makes the eastern boundary of the district and 
across the river lies the Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh state. The total area of the 
district is 1217 00 hectares. The district head quarters is located at Kurukshetra. It is 
represented by in the part of Survey of India topographical maps 53B, 53C, 53F and 53G 
on 1:250,000 scale. The average annual rainfall 568 mm (Fig. 1) 
On the whole the district is a plain which slopes from north-east to south 
and south-west. The plain is remarkably flat and within it are the narrow low-lying flood 
plains, known as either Bet or Khadar or Naili. The old alluvium lying between Khadar 
of the Yamuna river and the Naili and Bet of the northern rivers (Markanda, Ghaggar ) is 
known as Bhangar in the district .Yamuna is the perennial river which makes the eastern 
boundary of the district Ghaggar (Rig vedic Sarasvati) and Markanda and are the 
important rivers of the district. A good net work of canals providing the Irrigational 
The following materials are used for mapping of forests in Kurukshetra 
SLNo Satellite Sensor Data product Date Scale 
1. IRS IB LISS II FCC covering 25.10.92 1:50,000 
53B/ 8,12,16 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1001 

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