Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Nigam, Rajeev 
2. IRS IB LISS II Diapositive 1.5.92 1:1 
P029-R46 million 
3. IRS 1B LISS II Diapositive 2.5.92 1:1 
P030-R46 million 
5.1 Other ancillary data and Instruments used : 
* Survey of India topographical maps on 1:50,000 scale. (Fig. 2 & 3) 
53B/ 8,12,16 
Ground truth data collected during field work in two periods 
ie October-November, 1992 and April - May 1992. 
* Statistical report (Government of Haryana) Chandigarh. 
Forest Stock and Location Maps with Forest division and their range boundaries 
supplied by forest department, Haryana 
+ Instruments used: 
*  Procom-2 
* Light table 
* Dynascan 
5.2 . Methodology 
Forest mapping was completed in the following steps : 
i. Base map preparation: Base maps were prepared using Survey of India 
topographical maps on 1:50,000 scale showing permanent features such as roads, 
railway line, canals, village boundaries, and bunds etc. 
ii. Visual Interpretation of data: The preliminary interpretation of satellite data of 
IRS-1A/1B LISS-II October - November 1992 (FCC) on 1:50,000 scale and 
Diapositive satellite data of IRS-IB LISS-II May 1992 on 1:1 million scale was also 
used in this regard to delineate water logged areas and scrub plantations which were 
present in satellite imagery of October-November, 1992 clear forest and block 
plantations were interpreted and marked correctly. This was done by visual 
interpretation technique based on Image characteristics such as colour, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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