Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Noroozi, Aliakbar 
a au output called Cumulative estimated smoke density over the whole period of pollution in 1991, is presented by 
Plate 6. 
The estimated smoke density also converted to the other sort of presentation. First, based on considering the frequency 
histogram of smoke density, the daily estimated smoke density maps were sliced and classified into the no smoke, light 
smoke; moderate and heavy smoke classes [3, Annex D-i]. 
The estimated smoke density maps also were used for smoke persistency calculations. In this respect smoke density 
maps were converted to the sort of bitmaps showing existence or absence of smoke, without considering density of 
smoke. As a result, accumulating the smoke persistency maps led to prepare the monthly smoke persistency for each 
month of 199]. 
Plate 6: cumulative estimated smoke density over 1991, using mid-day infrared images for whole period of burning 
Kuwaiti oil wells. 
In the following a model was chosen for quantitative estimation of smoke density over the Iranian territory during 1991. 
Model assumption: 
The accumulative estimated smoke density map over the territory of Iran is considered as a base data layer for smoke 
and soot calculation for Iranian territory. In this respect the following activities were carried out: 
Calculating the area (i.e. the area covered by the image data) integrated smoke density by multiplying the smoke density 
values by the relevant number of pixels. 
Assume, the integrated smoke density values is “C”, each smoke density value is “V” and number of pixels is ^N" 
C «XVi*Ni 
This equation gives an overall smoke density over the studied area. Considering the frequency histogram of the smoke 
density values over the Iranian territory, the same calculation was carried out for the inland area of Iran either 
excluding, the Persian Gulf area or including it. 
Such calculation including the Gulf surface led to the following results. 
CO = Overall area integrated smoke density =7 878925 units 
CI = area integrated smoke density over Iran = 3051435 units 
Atmospheric pollution fraction over Iran (RI) = CI/CO*100 = 38% 
The same calculation excluding the Gulf surface gave following result. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1025 

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