Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Nyarko, Benjamin Kofi 
The result of the research showed that potential areas likely to experience periodic floods with a 
given input of rainfall are mostly below the 350-meter contour. It was also noted that the flood 
experienced by an area is mostly dependant on rainfall intensity no matter the catchment area. 
However other factors such as area, landuse, storage and runoff coefficient were identified as 
contributory factors to flooding in the study area. It was also observed that about 45 percent of 
the study areas fall within flood risk zone. 
In search for a method to determine flood risk zones, the use of a hydrological model within a 
geographic information system model is very effective if only the appropriate decision rule was 
defined. It should also be noted that use of a geographic information model has some 
difficulties. First, it demands special software and good knowledge in handling the software to 
enable one analyse the data. Second, data input using the digitizer proved too tedious and 
therefore prone to mistakes if care is not taken. 
Lastly, to calibrate hydrological model for easy incorporation into the geographic information 
system model can be very difficult. 
This paper is an aspect of my Mphil research works in the Dept of Geography & Tourism in the 
Universty of Cape Coast. I am grateful to Professor L.A.Dei, Prof. Juerry E. Blankson and Dr Y. 
Opoku-Ankomah for their ideas and constructive criticisms when I was preparing this paper. I 
am also grateful to the senior members of the Department of Geography & Tourism for their 
support and encouragement. 
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1048 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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