Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Oliveira, Hermeson 
The area (figure 1) was 700Km? and was limited in the map “Folha Palotina” MI-2-800/3 or SG 22-V-A-I-3, 
scale 1:50.000. 
To define the thematic classes, was necessary to visit the area. Eight classes of soil use and vegetation cover 
were defined. On the register step, were necessary only 6(six) points of known coordinates as showed in table 
0.170/ 0.053 
0.423/ 0.168 
0.335/ 0.211 
0.515/ 0.155 
0.280/ 0.155 
6 0.492/ 0.056 
Table 1: Erros associated to control points 
The great precision and the correspondence existent between points obtained in the map and found in the 
satellite image, were responsible for the reduced number of control points needed to register the image with 
errors considered low. 
During the contrast manipulation, channel 5 showed an histogram distribution very narrow. The operation 
used to correct the gray levels was, initially an equalization of the histogram (INPE, 1996), followed by a 
linear adjust over channel 4. Figures 2, 3 and 4 show the original images and table 2 show image statistics. 
Figure 2. Palotina Channel 3 
1068 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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