Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Oliveira, Ronaldo Pereira de 
less significant than DTM analysis, having no classification improvement for highlands and most of low lands classes 
(0,2 ha for intermediate (M); 0.5 for very high (MA); and no differences for high (A)). For the depositional environment 
occurrences of extremely high (EA) vulnerability class differences were up to 1796 from previous EA class total area as 
conflicting classification. This procedure could help to update land cover delineation of the old soil map (Embrapa, 
1980), therefore from urban areas originally having 42,659.1 ha (34.9% of the total area) to 55,964.3 ha (45.9% of the 
total area) by vector digitalisation. Next step was supervised classification having 58,173.1ha (47,7% of the total area, A 
= 2,300 ha - 1.8%). In addition, a refined supervised classification to extract exposed soil areas giving 57,707.6 ha 
(47,3% of the total area, A = 550 ha - 0.4%). In closing, vegetation cover did not suffer any representative changes, 
since a detailed information from mining activities and mangrove vegetation, fieldwork at 1:10,000 scale, were 
incorporated on the land cover map. 
e Using the project output information, the SMAC is already taking planning actions on preservation areas, in which 
mining activities have being pointed out as great impact on the land environmental quality. 
e Although the importance and usefulness of numeric and cartographic products generated to the SMAC project, the 
most positive achievement was the full involvement of some surveyors whose have helped to make considerable 
changes on traditional survey methods. 
e Considering the project execution, the ILWIS environment has proved to be easy and reliable to perform all the 
necessary spatial analysis, even if some extra time was required to fully understand the class domain management. 
e In spite of the slow learning curve for proper application of object-oriented concepts, it has shown to be a 
consistent methodology to help surveyors during system abstractions by means of diagrams that reflect thematic 
processes, representations, and notations. 
e The coupling of UML and geoinformation approaches offers a complementary environment for both the linguistic 
concepts for geometric representations, and the object-oriented constructs for development of graphic interfaces, 
distributed systems and dynamic management of data structure integrity. 
e Environmental application researchers should be alert of the system approach potentiality for semantic 
representations of complex biophysical relationships. 
Batisdas, M. G., 1995. Environmental Fragility and Vulnerability Assessment of a Mangrove Area in the Lower San 
Juan River Basin, Venezuela. ITC, Soil Department, MSc Thesis, Enschede. 
Embrapa. 1980. Levantamento Semi-detalhado e Aptidáo Agrícola dos Solos do Municipio do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Embrapa 
- SNLCS, Boletim Técnico 66, Rio de Janeiro, p. 389. 
Embrapa, 1997. SIGSOLOS — Manual do Entrada de Dados. Embrapa Solos, Rio de Janeiro, p. 345. 
Embrapa. 19993. Mapeamento Pedológico e Interpretagóes Üteis ao Planejamento Ambiental do Município do Rio de 
Janeiro, RJ. Embrapa Solos — Relatório de Projeto, Rio de Janeiro, p. 300. 
Embrapa. 1999b. Mapeamento Pedológico e Interpretacóes Üteis ao Planejamento Ambiental das Sub-Bacias dos Canais do 
Mangue e do Cunha, Município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ.. Embrapa Solos — Relatório de Projeto, Rio de Janeiro, p. 300. 
ILWIS 2.1 &, 1997. Refernce Guide. ITC, ILWIS Department, Copyright O 1997, Enschede, p. 722. 
Molenaar, M., 1996. Theory of Topologic and Hierarchical Object Modeling in GIS. CGI; WAU; Wageningen; p. 55. 
Ramalho-Filho, A., Beek, K. J., Sistema de Avaliaçäo da Aptidáo Agrícola das Terras. . Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa 
Agropecuária, Servigo Nacional de Levantamento e Conservaçäo de Solos -.SNLCS, Rio de Janeiro, 3 Ed. Rev., p. 65. 
Rational Software Corporation ©, 1997. UML — Unified Modeling Language. Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson & Jim 
Rumbaugh, Rational, Santa Clara, CA, p. 237. 
Rio de Janeiro, 1997. Mapa de Cobertura Vegetal e Uso das Terras. Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria 
Municipal do Meio Ambiente (SMAC), Escala 1:75.000. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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