Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Olsson, Häkan 
2.1 Study area 
The study area is in the coastal area of Västerbotten in northern Sweden near the city of Umea. This area is 
predominantly forested with stands of pure and mixed N orway spruce (Picea Abies), Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) and 
birch (Betula Pendula). Land ownership is split between large companies and private owners, but almost all forest land 
is intensively managed for timber and pulpwood production. The predominant harvesting and management activities in 
the area are clearcutting in blocks of 2-10 ha, possible site preparation by soil scarification, planting, removal of 
deciduous shrubs in young stands, and several commercial thinnings during a stand’s approximate 100 yr rotation 
period. The study area is shown together with the satellite scene extents in figure 1. 
0 20 40 60 80 100 Kilometers 
EL, RN] 
Figure 1. Satellite scene extents showing the study area (dashed line). 
The scene from 1994 is shown for reference, other scene extents are 
outlined with a solid line. 
2.2 Satellite Imagery 
There were 7 different Landsat scenes over 11 years used for this investigation 
Year — Date Path/Row ^ (table 1.). All images are from the Thematic Mapper sensor aboard Landsat-5 and 
1985 June 26 193/15 were precision corrected to the Swedish National Grid and resampled to 25m by 
1989 June 21 193/15 the SSC Satellitbild (now Satellus AB). The scenes were selected to be relatively 
1990 June 8 193/15 cloud-free in the area of interest and as close as possible to the peak of the 
1992 June 6 194/15 vegetation season. No suitable scenes were available in the missing years. Not 
1994 July 5 193/15 all images are full-scenes as is apparent by their extents in figure 1. In practice 
1995 June 13 194/15 for the purpose of this investigation, the study area was reduced to the intersection 
1006: Augusti] 193/15 of these scenes, so there are no missing values to deal with in the regression 
Table 1. Satellite scenes 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1083 

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