Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Patikova, Alice 
3.3 Increase in Residential Surfaces 
In the following analyses the residential 
areas of the classes, 1.1.1 2,, have been included 
together with some demographic data 
and some simple previous modelling. 
From 1949 up to 1969 on all places 
residential area was created around the 
existing old structure of 1949. The 
strongest development was done at the 
east part of the centre in ,Ruzinov*. 
Strong increase also appeared in the 
villages ,Podunajské Biskupice* and 
,[vanka pri Dunaji“. After 1969 the 
biggest increase can be found in 
,Dubravka“ and ,,Petrzalka“, where big 
blocks of flats have been built up. There 
was concentrated some very big 
increase. After 1985 the centre of 
residential increase can be found in 
,Karlova Ves“, where also blocks of 
flats (panel houses) have been built up. 
residential areas 
areas 1949 
increase 49-69 
ES increase 69-85 
Egincrease 85-97 
Figure 1. Increase in Residential Surfaces 
3.4 Increase in Business Surfaces 
In this chapter the increase of the classes,,,,,, 1.2.3, and 1.2.4 is discussed 
and analysed together. The main trend goes parallel to the increase of residential area like it was discussed above. The 
biggest development was done after 1949; the last time lag however showed only small increase of such area. Main 
: regions of increase are on the north east 
and south-east of the centre. One big area 
was lost after 1949; it is the old airport 
visible in black far on the north east of the 
centre and on the north of the new airport. 
The new airport was built up after 1949 
and the old airport changed to 1.42 
because it became a sporting airport. On 
the new airport the built-up phases can be 
mio 1949 ^" seen. The foundation and grow of the 
Blincreese 63-85 petro-chemical factory „Slovnaft“ is 
: shown in the south of the centre near 
The biggest change in all analysed classes 
has been done by industrial area. 
All other areas went parallel but on 
smaller level. 
Figure 2. Increase in Business Surfaces 
1124 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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