Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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Patikova, Alice 
3.5 Loss of Agricultural Surfaces 
The increase of artificial surface was discussed in the previous chapters. The increase in these groups needs some 
resources from other classes. The agrarian structure was the main source for the artificial increase. The increase of 
residential and business area forces the loss of fields. The biggest changes took place around the centre and the 
development axes of artificial increase. The correlation is significant. 
agricultural areas 
areas 1997 
E83 loss 85-97 
[7 loss 89-85 
loss 49-89 
Figure 3. Loss of Agricultural Surfaces 
3.6 Changes in Transport Network 
The changes in line-features seem very small on the first view. The class of other roads ( is dominant with some 
big increase after 1949 and then some loss again. There was some loss of roads during changing structure of field and 
field units in the agricultural area. In that case there was some kind of ,,road-shift* from the surrounding to the artificial 
built-up areas. In that case in the statistic it looks more linear. The increase of railway-lines became after 1969 very 
small and was mostly depended on the industrial grow. Definitely some normal railway lines have been lost for example 
the railway-line (tram) to Vienna, which went through Petrzalka. Big increase on small level exists since 1985 for toll- 
3.7 Changes of the Past and Trends for the Future 
The changes of agrarian landscape to artificial fabric were shown. The increase of residential area had the biggest value 
between 1949 and 1985. Also the industrial area grew very strong and demonstrates the big importance of Bratislava for 
chemistry. The trend analysis showed that the increase-rate went down since 1985 especially for residential fabric. In 
the demographic studies was shown that it had no influence on the increase of inhabitants. The concentration on the 
existing areas supported this development. 
The increase of artificial surface was compensated by the loss of fields. The loss in forest areas was based on the dam 
building at Danube river. The loss of mead-forest areas around the old arms of Danube river has an increase of water- 
areas on the other side. A further increase of water areas can not be expected. The forest areas also will keep its size. 
The further development of Bratislava can be expected in residential and business fields. New industrial areas just 
growing in the north west of the city, where ,, Volkswagen" builds up a new buildings of their factory. Also along the 
new highway, there can be expected the settlements of commercial and industrial companies. All need of area will be 
compensated by agrarian fields. Forest areas are not very much suitable for changes, because they are either placed in 
the mountains or along the Danube. 
With the roll as capital of Slovak Republic, the change of existing structure to public service and also further 
concentration of residential area may take place in the central part of Bratislava. The increase of industrial areas will 
slow down; the increase of public-service areas will grow. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1125 

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