Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Patmios, Evangelos 
Band 7: Relief, drainage, forest areas, road network, boundaries of geologic formations, alluvial deposits, clear coast 
Spot Images. ; 
Spot PAN: Significant information about relief, drainage, road network, boundaries of geologic formations, faults. 
Spot XS: Colour appearance with wide gradation of colours and characteristic texture, that can offer important 
information for the recognition of various features. 
There is a lot of literature (Erdas 1997, Lillesand et al 1987) relatively to the features that may be interpreted in each 
‘band. These are evaluated, but we also take in mind, according to the case, serious local and temporal particularities. 
The interpretation of airphotograph stereopairs was done for different places in Sithonia Peninsula (Fig. 1). 
For such a place, we indicatively present an example (Fig. 2). 
Fig. 2. Stereoscopic interpretation of airphotographs in scale 1:40,000 (reducement) 
-x-x- watershed 1 alluvial deposits 
~ drainage 2 metamorphic and schistose rocks 
€ lake 3 forest area 
xx fault 4 vegetation area 
Y... * probable fault 5. cultivated land 
--—- road 6 built-up area 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1129 

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