Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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are generally scarce and badly distributed - the mean number of days of rain annually oscillates between 30 in the drier 
zones and 60 in the zones with more rain - as a minimum in the summer. However, the areas where the humidity of the 
soil is maintained during a longer period of time is determined by those regions which have a lower evapotranspiration 
and, in that case, depend fundamentally upon the intensity of the solar radiation that they receive. It can be concluded, 
therefore, that in areas like the one studied, with a contrasting Mediterranean climate, and with the soil very little deep, 
the most significant exogenic factor for the recovery of the vegetation cover after a forest fire is the availability of 
water, which is profoundly influenced by the rate of solar radiation it receives, and the capacity to store water, which, in 
turn, is determined by the type of rock found there. 
The work presented here shows that the employment of MDE and their MDT derived from satellite images allow us to 
explore environmental relationships on a microscale, This could, with difficulty, be carried out with other 
methodologies, which could, in turn, establish deductions of great significance in the functioning of ecosystems. 
This work has been financed by Projecte 6292 of Grupos Emergentes del Programa de Incentivo a la Investigación de la 
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 
The authors want to thanks the Conselleria de Medi Ambient de la Generalitat Valenciana that have supplied the II 
Inventario Forestal Nacional and information about the wildfires that have affected studied area. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1177 

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